Thursday, August 1, 2013

Some random thoughts

It's August 1st. How did that happen SO fast?

It's been pretty darn chilly here lately which is always a nice break from the hot weather but there hasn't been any hot weather to speak of in a while so chilly weather is totally not welcome.

How about that for a run-on sentence?

We've barely used the AC in weeks and Papa Bear is in hog heaven. He hates hot weather. I hate cold. I guess opposites do attract? I love the fall but I dread the winters up here. They are so unbelievably long. It brings out the ugly in me toward the end and I hate being ugly and pale.

Also, there are leaves on the ground today, it was 60 degrees this morning and I still don't have any tomatoes. They're all just chillin there, green and small. Not even worthy of being plucked for some friend green tomatoes. I check them every single day and nothing. Not a one.

My garden dreams for next year are getting a little out of control. There are few things I love more than tending to our plants and flowers. Although I admit that I royally suck at growing anything in pots.

I honestly didn't know I would love all of this so much. I had pretty low expectations for this year, we've never had our own garden. I mean, my roommate and I once had an aloe plant and it was hers and we never had to water it. That is the extent of my experience.

To my surprise though, almost every single thing we planted from seed has grown...with the exceptions of strawberries but Papa Bear insisted on hanging them instead of putting them in the ground. I knew it was a bad idea.

Next year I want a massive, fenced in garden with rows and rows of yummy food. I already have a mental list of things I want to plant and where and other lists of things I won't plant again.

Every night I fill up my basket full of vegetables and berries and feel as though I'm cheating the system. I'm all, "why wouldn't everyone grow their own food, it's so easy and practically free?!" Its oddly satisfying and so fun. I especially love when I can pull something out of the fridge or ground for dinner and know exactly where it came from. That there isn't a spec of chemicals on it. Nothing is cooler than that. Nothing.

I seriously need to figure out this canning business asap. I've done a little reading and honestly feel a little scared. If you don't seal them right, you can get seriously ill. I need to tap into some old school canner's brain and get a lesson or ten.

How are your gardens growing? And if you don't have a garden, why the hell not?

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