Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Few Thangs

Ok, it's hump day.

I can handle that.

Rain, not so much.

But, at least it's not snow?

I'm finally coming out of this awful sickness. It has only been a few days but a long time since I was sick last so I had sort of forgotten how rotten it is.

I still feel like dookie but today is better than yesterday and for that, I can be thankful. I am, however, still feeling rather uninspired and sluggish so hopefully that goes away soon.

So, I want to ask you about a few thangs.

First, have you heard of this oil pulling thing?

Oil Pulling

Does that not sound like the strangest thing to do, in the history of ever?

Does it work?

Second, a lot of the broads (I mean that in the nicest way possible) that I follow on Instagram take wicked awesome pictures and share recipes and inspiring this that or the other but lately, I've noticed how many of them are really, really Godly.

Is that even a word?

And don't get me wrong, I respect that. I have my own views that also happen to involve God but I just can't understand how they are so obsessed (for lack of a better word). Seriously. I don't mean that in a bad way. It seems that they are really, really Godly. I am struck by their devotion, yes! that's the word, devotion. I guess, I don't really understand it.

Clearly, I'm babbling.

I went to church recently with PB's mom and it was lovely. And inspiring. And so I guess, these women are so Godly that they profess it all day and all night to remind themselves of the bigger picture? Is that it?

Am I a bad person because I don't?

I'm not interested in debating anything and I'm not interested in being lectured on God. I'm just curious, I suppose. Can they truly be that devoted?

Maybe I am missing something?

And I'm not judging either. So don't get all "those who live in glass houses" blah blah blah on me. I've just never been around people that are like that and so I'm curious. That's all. To each their own. And I mean that.

Anyway, food for thought on this miserable April day.


Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, Monday

Big case of the Mondays over here.

We had a jam packed weekend and I think as a result, I'm extra tired and extra sick today.

I think this weather has something to do with it too. And I know, that's probably something mom's just made up to make their kids bundle up or stay inside when the weather is crappy but I really think it's true. This weather is just brutal and it finally caught up with me.

Did I mention it's supposed to rain for the next week?

That'll make things interesting considering we've officially hit crunch time with only six weeks until the big day. We're going to have to work on the house, yard and wedding stuff every single nice day and weekend from now until June. To be fair, we've been putting this stuff off since we moved in so it needed to be done.

We're still working on this really, really awkward space in front of the house but Matt and I (yes, I totally helped a ton) put up a little fence and it's really starting to look cute! We even built the door ourselves. How bout them apples?

This used to be all ugly grass, a beige door (I simply painted) and an ugly front step. We're going to stain/paint the new step and fill this cute little space with flowers and shrubs. I'm hoping it will be super cute!

Not a great picture but you get the idea

Next is repainting the fence because it was muddy and nasty, plant flowers and shrubs, get my window boxes up and pots full of flowers! Then I should be done and we can focus on the flower beds around the house, yard work, building a nice firepit, painting the decks and possibly painting the chicken coop (PB doesn't know about that one yet).

As for wedding stuff, I finally picked up dresses for the bridesmaids and flower girl. Ma Dukes and I picked up her dress on Saturday so that was good. I still need to figure out flowers but I figure, if push comes to shove, there are enough grocery stores in the area that I should be able to find something to put on the tables...even if they are $6 bouquets of flowers.

I'm so high maintenance.

And finally, to put the icing on the cake, Gracie-Mae and Bucky-chacho pulled out all the stops this morning.

They literally went gangbusters in my house and tore. shit. up.

Ole PB didn't know the dog door was open in the mudroom and so when he locked them in their kennel for the day, to their sheer joy, they escaped into the house to see their people.

I was showering at the time but I could here all hell breaking loose outside the door.

We're talking covering my floors and BED in mud. Jumped on Kingy and woke him up. Peed all over my carpet because they were SO excited to be alive at 6:15 in the morning. And on and on and on...

Add in chickens eating my news bushes and flowers. Fried starter plants. Stepping in poop and the inability to swallow, I'd say today is going rather well.

And I just realized I forgot to take something out for dinner.


Everyone walks their duck decoys, right?
Biggest pancake I ever saw.

Before the dog incident. How cute, right?


Thursday, April 24, 2014


The calendar says that it's grill season.

My thermometer, not so much.

Regardless, we're starting to get our grill on, on the regular.

Are you?

We brought back those ridiculously awesome burgers from last summer and the corn/avocado salad.

Big Daddy Burgers

Corn and Avocado Salad


We pretty much make this stuff every other week. The only change this year, I've been adding bread and butter pickles I canned last summer and jalapenos to the burgers.


In my mission to figure out how to consume more vegetables, I've been on the hunt for good grilling recipes.

I found a solid one for carrots which says they are oven roasted but I threw them on the grill for a while. I can't recall how long they took to cook but it wasn't difficult to figure out when they were done. Make sure you keep an eye on them so they don't burn.

Honey Balsamic Roasted Carrots

This yummy marinade can go on just about anything. I mean it, anything. Super easy, too.

Lemon Garlic marinade/dressing

Zero dessert happening round these parts lately. Because, thighs.

And I'm still very seriously considering that Whole 30 thing.

If I am thinking about it this much, I probably just try, right?


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Life Lately

I bet you're wondering what we've been up to? You know, being that we've been gone for almost a month (I know, I'm sorry)

1. Wedding stuff. I officially need to get my shiz together. I don't know how many days I have left but I think it's about six weeks and I just picked up bridesmaids dresses today (insert emoticon with that face that has the big shocked look). The lady at David's Bridal thought I was a jerk off.

2. Baboo doggie is a horse and Gracious Gray continues to kill things.

3. The King is a Chatty Cathy. You can't shut him up. He's funny as all get out. He still sneaks into my bed but mostly, I'm in his now because he has a queen size bed...I don't want to talk about it.

4. Plants on plants on plants. I cannot wait until the last frost!

5. I have been mulling over this Whole 30 movement. Have you heard of it? It sounds terrifying. In fact, it mostly sounds impossible. Is it just one of those fad diets and I don't think it is because it sounds healthier than a fad diet?

6. I need to get my ass in shape. See number one above. I think I need to lose five pounds to be able to sit in my dress.

7. I just threw away all of The King's Easter candy because I have zero self control when it comes to egg shaped Whoppers and Peeps.

8. We are doing serious yard work lately. If anyone has any suggestions of plants, flowers or shrubs, to plant, please please send them my way!

9. I haven't been cooking anything terribly exciting at all. It's grill season so I'm hoping to cut out the cheese and pasta. And cookies. And pies. And anything that is ridiculously delicious and totally bad for you.

10. I think that's everything. 

Terribly exciting, right?

What have you bidges been up to??

Oh, hey.

So here's the thing.

I read this totally rotten website a few weeks ago, probably around the time of my last post, and it totally completely put on blast all bloggers. Even my most favorite, solid, good writing bloggers that actually have things to say and share. Totally ripped the whole notion of blogging apart.

It was all "nobody gives a rats ass about what you're having for dinner" and "your style blog is stupid and clothes are hideous" and on and on and on...

And I got to thinking, this totally applies to me. Why in the hell would anyone give a dern about what I have to say? Which, oh by the way, is pretty much nothing but a bunch of nonsensical nonsense. I'm one of those people they are making fun of, granted, without the whole making money and thousands of followers thing.

So I stopped. I got totally uninspired and felt like blogging was such a stupid thing and shame on me for even thinking of doing it in the first place. You have nothing to share and you are not important and no one cares.

I even stopped reading all of my favorite blogs!


Then people started asking me what the hell my problem was and why the hell wasn't I posting. And I made up a bunch of hooey about being busy and nothing to say and blah blah blah.

But to be honest, I missed it.

And it wasn't until today when my BFFL told me to shut the hell up and do it (in not so many words).

So here I am. It sorta feels like I'm trying to make up with my friend for being a dickhead and getting silly pantsed drunk at her birthday party, puking on her rug and making an ass-hat of myself.

But, I'll come back if you'll have me?

Pretty please, my faithful ten followers?

Ok, sold.

I'll come back.
