Thursday, January 31, 2013

World Market

For those of you that take 10 years to decorate your house because you scour the internet and flea markets and thrift shops to find the perfect item, and then decide it's too much money and spend another ten years trying to find and/or make a cheaper version, here's another website to add to your favorites.

World Market

I'm kind of in love with their rugs, which is really saying something. I've been searching for the perfect rug to put in our dining room because we have pine floors that are ridiculously soft. I just can't justify spending $600 on something I'm not crazy about. I'll probably mull it over for another 6 months.

Happy shopping!

Now listening: Johnny Cash

He can do no wrong.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weekend Fun

The cup that turned it around.

Lost my sewing virginity.

The King and Jensen's initials. It's love. They have no choice. Yes, I've eaten 75% of this damned cookie.

Need more practice but not bad for a first try.

Chubby baby model. 

Prints came in! Two adorable newborn shots missing from this pic.

Wet baby feet. <3

I'm blogging I'm blogging I'm bloggggingggggggggg


I'm sorry again.

I lied yesterday.

I didn't post but I had every intention of doing so. I had something else come up last minute (you know who you are) and that was just more important.

But I think it's important to note that I'm blogging today.


Here's my excuse or rather, my reason for being away. I'm sharing because I had an epiphany and I feel good about the direction of my life again. And maybe it will help you. But maybe it won't.

I don't care.

(deep breath, with head hung in shame)

I was absent because I was on a serious bender of pouting, complaining and feeling sorry for myself. Why, you ask, was I such a terrible brat? Without going into too many details, it was all work related and I was feeling a bit screwed over and really under-appreciated. And disappointed.

Very disappointed.

Thank you to those of you that dealt with me and I'm sorry for being so rotten.

This went on for a few days last week, coupled with a long day trip to Boston which seemed to make things worse. And I also partly blame the frigid weather.

After three days of miserableness, tears and lack of sleep, I woke up on Friday, bitched some more and then it hit me like a ton of bricks; I needed an attitude adjustment. I wasn't at work, I was at home with my awesome son, still pouting and now fighting with Papa Bear because of said brattiness. Neither of them did a thing to deserve my attitude and it wasn't fair that I was bringing home stuff that didn't belong in my house.

You know what I mean?

And I decided right there, enough was enough. I can't change it. I may as well accept it for what it is and make the most of the situation because at the end of the day, everything outside of work is pretty darn awesome. I literally have nothing else to complain about.

Except maybe...

Just kidding.

SO I made myself an afternoon cuppa joe in a wicked awesome mug. Chatted with my favorite ginger, who is always willing to listen to me bitch and moan. Apologized. Had a lunch dance party with Ry. Baked a huge, huge heart shaped sugar cookie, that I now regret baking for obvious reasons. Apologized. Snuggled and cuddled The King. Drank some wine. Apologized some more. Pulled out a sewing machine and made my first pair of baby leggings. Went to bed and woke up Saturday a new woman.

And here I am. Happy as a clam.

That rhymed. Ha!

Then I decided to write a little vision statement to keep myself grounded and remind me of what's important. Someone suggested I do it a while ago and I brushed it off because why would that help me? It's soooo stupid right?


Had I written the vision statement and read it a few times while I was pissed off, maybe none of this stupid work stuff would have made a bit of difference. I know that seems silly because everything I love is right in front of me but it really seemed to help me. Weird as it is, something about putting it on paper makes it that much clearer.

And I want to share part of it you. The whole thing is kind of long but this is my favorite part, that I read every single day now...

"First and foremost, I am a mother, spouse, sister, daughter and friend. Work does not define who I am as a person. I need to let go of things I cannot control, stop being a perfectionist and remember to trust that everything happens for a reason."

It's so cliche and really very simple but it's so, so true to me. My most important job now is raising The King. My title or responsibility at work mean nothing if he turns out to be an asshole that does nothing to contribute to society. Second to raising a good human, I have to take better care of my relationships, before the rest.

Yes, I realize this is a stupid self help, discovery, bullshit nonsense post but whatever. Judge if you want but I bet you're thinking about your vision now too!

Aren't ya?

I am totally aware that this is going to be a challenge every single day but I think it's an awesome one.

Don't hesitate to let me know when I'm being an asshole either. I'm only human afterall.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Hi Friends,

I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long. I'm sure that you've missed me dearly. I wanted to let you know that I'm getting back on the wagon today. It's been a long week for me but I have a laundry list of nonsense to share with you and I can't wait.

Love you dearly

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Afternoon pick me up

Funny faces

Thought you could use a good laugh this morning

I should also mention this little boy gave his mama like 100 kisses last night. Like, on purpose. Like, real smooches. And it was 100 because I had to make sure he really meant to give me a kiss.

He did.

I died.

He's going to hate me some day.

Happy hump day!

House stuff because I know you care

Everyone tells you not to make big life decisions when you are pregnant or have just given birth. And let me tell you what, I should have listened. Not that decorating a house is a big life decision or anything, but I tried to do a bunch of it after I had The King and I've already changed nearly everything in my house.

Bravo, Jenny. Bravo.

So this past weekend I continued down the path of redecorating my kitchen. This is the only room in my house, besides The King's, that is actually semi-decorated. I don't know if I'm lazy, cheap, or just taking my time so I get it "right" but I should probably get it together.

Anyway, I want to share the new stuff with you because I love, love my kitchen now. I'm kitchen proud as Nate would say. It's moved from teal to red and I've added some lovely rooster accents. I still need to find a rooster cookie jar and an old fruit basket and then I think I'll be done. I might also paint my corner cabinet with chalkboard paint but I don't know if I have the balls.

I made everything below but the clocks, crate and the wine rack. Pretty crafty, eh? Let's also be clear here, I didn't magically come up with these ideas on my own. I will take credit, or admit to being incredibly stupid, for making them all on my own though. No instructions necessary, just some good ole mama ingenuity. Thanks Pinterest for the inspiration.

Black letter wrapped in red twine. So unbelievably annoying to do. Never, ever, ever again.

Oh just some burlap flowers because I have yet to buy real ones for that spot and I kept lying to myself saying I would. I burnt the shit out of my fingers trying to figure these things out. They need help but whatever, I pretend they're perfect.

Rooster clock from Cracker Barrel. This was a house warming gift. I love it. 

I use this to hold important mail that I'm supposed to do something with but always forget about. It also holds my keys. Handy. This was ugly wood so I painted it and ruffed it up with a copper wire scrubby.

Found this gem on One Kings Lane. Bought it because who doesn't need four clocks in their kitchen? Seriously, four clocks.

I used to have wine but I drank it over the weekend.

I'll post pics of the breakfast nook turned playroom when I make some more progress. It's not very exciting at the moment.

Thanks for pretending you love it as much as I do.

Now listening: George Strait

There's few that compare to George.

This video is stupid. Just listen.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Must share

I might have a new favorite, Kristen Kelly. I'm loving every single song right now. 

This one has an "old" sound to it and I love, love old music. Ah. I could listen to this on repeat all day. Such a good voice.

Music and giggles

If you like both, you are going to like this guy. Mike Rayburn was on a local radio station this morning and I had a good case of the giggles. He totally kept my good morning going.

I don't know about the motivational speaking and all that jazz but check out his entertainment clips. Here's one I found on YouTube.

Love it.

Now listening: The Devil Makes Three

I stumbled across these dudes yesterday and I likey.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Third grade. Multiplication tables. Am I right or am I right?

Must. Stop. Eating.

I brought enough of these to snack on over the next few days.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to eat them all.

Right now.

Before lunch.

I really have no self control.

Gardening boner

I was just on Pinterest like a bad employee, and here I am blogging again, like an even badder one. Yes, that's a word. But I don't care, I have to share...

I have a garden boner.

As I've mentioned 300 times already, I'm going to take a stab at gardening this year. I'm doing this for lots of obvious reasons but mostly so I can brag that I only eat produce that I've grown.


sort of.

Anyway, this website is AWESOME! You drop in your zip code and it tells you what you should plant and when. It even gives you instructions.

Praise sweet baby Jesus and bless my friend that pinned this. You may have just helped make my dreams come true.

Sprout Robot

Another friend with a green thumb suggested I read this book too.

I can't wait to plant seeeeeeeeeeeds

Now listening: Mumford and Sons

Because this is a favorite song and these guys do a great job

Happy hump day!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Meals for a King

pancake, yobaby peach yogurt, blueberries and raspberries

I missed lunch today but he had pasta with tomato sauce, string cheese and blueberries

grilled chicken, avocado, steamed broccoli and cantalope

I get an unusual amount of excitement in putting together meals for The King. Maybe it's the pictures. It's been fun experimenting and watching him devour his favorites, which are mostly fruit. I was surprised at how much he liked venison too. It seems to be his favorite meat which is cool.

I can't wait to feed him fruits and veggies from our gardens this year. I'm so over winter already.


Head bobbin

The Happy Project

This journal was a Christmas gift from my littlest sister. The project is really very easy, write one sentence at each day that summarizes the good that happened.

I'm doing my very best to keep up with it and definitely need to make it part of my routine. It's only been a week but it's been a nice reminder to reflect on the good, instead of the bad. In all honesty, I had one day where I struggled to find something positive but I'd say that's a pretty darned good start. It would be great to keep up with it for five years but I've set my mini-goal to finish January.

Here is today's happy reminder

There is a book that goes along with this journal. Maybe I'll pick it up and let you know if it's a good read.

Be happy!

Now listening: Randy Houser

I love this guys voice. He played "how country feels" on the radio this morning and it was just awesome.  Guitars tend to put me right into a trance, I can't explain it. I start daydreaming and getting sleepy and smiley and happy. I'm weird, I know. I would love to learn how to play, along with about a million other things I'd love to do in my lifetime, but I'm pretty sure I'd suck at it. Maybe some day I'll give it a whirl.

In case you're wondering, Randy is releasing an album on the 22nd which will likely be wicked good too. I suggest you pre-order it this morning because I did and I'm usually right about these things.

This is what I'm listening to now

And this is what I heard this morning, except it was on a local station

You're very welcome.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Mama fail

I've raised a family of beggars.

Mama life

"I shit my pants and you know it"

Only when you're a mama do you semi "enjoy" the smell of poo wafting your way from the back seat.

Because let's be honest, the alternative is way, way worse.

If only it weren't 20 degrees so I could roll down the damn window...

And now because it's stuck in my head

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Take me to the theatreeeee

(with an english accent)

We hardly ever go to theatre (english accent) but when we do, I usually leave saying that I want to see every single movie that was previewed and then never do.

Well Papa Bear and I got a gift certificate to the theatre (english accent. have you caught on yet?) for Christmas and I thought I should make him a list so he can do some research and take me out on the town soon.

1. Les Miserables - there's no way in hell he'll sit through this one with me but it looks good
2. Django Unchained - I think he'll go for this one
3. This is 40 - this looks hilarious and we loved Knocked Up so this is a possibility
4. Gangster Squad - Ryan. Gosling. Need I say more?
5. Zero Dark Thirty - man material, could happen
6. Lincoln - this might be a renter though. and by renter I mean movie I say I'll rent and never will
7. Silver Linings Playbook - they're both hot but probably another renter

We could totally make this a regular date night if either of us ever had the energy to leave the house at night. Not happenin anytime soon.

Now listening: Old Crow Medicine Show

Morning! I don't remember how I stumbled across these guys but I love their station.

On to my second cuppa joe, cheers!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Miley just being Miley

I saw this performance on ET or one of those entertainment shows last week and I instantly hated it. Probably because it was Miley Cyrus. Thennnnn I saw it on Taste of Country and decided to give it another go.

I really hate to admit it but I like it.

I can't help it.

Listen to it twice.


I took this picture of The King a few days ago and it might be one of my favorites yet.

I really love the light from this window and what the picture captures. It may not look like much to you but we spend every meal "chatting", listening to music and laughing at mama's ridiculous dancing. He gets to try new foods and I get to giggle at his silly faces. It's one of my favorite things to do with him. You just can't beat it.

I've also consciously tried to take more candid shots and less posed, pretty pictures. I think I might be getting better.

Now listening: Adele

Out with the Christmas music, in with Adele! I love Pandora.

I stupidly declined an invite to her concert when she first released this album and I've been kicking myself ever since. Thank you to SP for introducing me to her!

Happy hump day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Don't pretend like you don't read your yearly horoscope at the start of a new year.

I just checked out mine and it sounds pretty darn awesome. That shit better be right.

Yeah, yeah, silly Jenny. Horoscopes are stupid and ridiculous.

Whatever. They're fun.

Read yours here.

Hello 2013!

Happiest New Year everyone! I know I've been gone for a while but like most of you, it's been vacation week and I've been soaking it up.

Time to get back at it though. I can only imagine how much you've missed me.

We had a really great time ringing in the new year last night. We got all fancied up and danced all night to a live band. We're feeling a little beat up today because we're usually in bed by 9 but it was definitely worth it. I probably won't drink for the rest of the year though.

It's safe to say that 2013 has some really big shoes to fill. Papa Bear and I were chatting the other day and we both agreed, 2012 was really good to us. I'm almost sad it ended. We were blessed with The King for starters but lots of other really great things fell into place. Of course, we had our struggles like everyone else but such is life. I wouldn't change a thing. I need to sit down and write myself a letter so I don't forget.

I know resolutions are stupid because no one ever keeps them but I really wanted to have some good ones for this year. There's always room for improvement, right?

So In the year 2013, I promise to try my very hardest to do the following:

1. I need to not be so hard on people. I tend to have unrealistically high expectations for pretty much everyone I cross paths with. If you catch me riding your ass this year, please remind me of numero uno on my list. I apologize in advance because this one is going to be realllyyyyyy hard for me.

2. I need to remember to be happy with what I have and stop focusing on what I don't, or what I think I don't have. The perfectionist in me always wants more, to do better, to be, well, perfect which is utterly ridiculous. I blame Disney movies.

3. If you took ten minutes to read my previous post, you'll know why I'm making a resolution to unglue myself from my damned phone.

I know you were dying to know those so you're welcome. What are your resolutions for 2013? Please don't say lose weight. That's always on everyone's list and we should always focus on being healthy so think of something else.