Thursday, August 1, 2013

I admit it

I feel like I need to put this out in the universe.

Get it off my unbelievably flat, pancake boobie, mom chest...

Grace, The Devil Dog, and I

 ...have become friends.


I cringed when I typed that.

But seriously. We're buddies now. I don't know if it's because we had to put Lacey down and I miss her so much that I'm being nicer to Grace. Or if it's because Grace stopped tormenting me because I know longer give my attention to Lou? I don't know.

I kind of feel like I owe it to Grace to say it out loud though. I like her. She'll never, ever be a Lou dog but I like her.

Isn't that weird? It feels wrong.

I mean, we've taken our relationship to the next level people.

She sleeps with me in increments throughout the night. On the bed. I say increments because Papa Bear is a 70 year old man and only sleeps in bed with me every other night so she has to go and sleep next to him too.

Don't get me started on our sleeping arrangements.

She hasn't eaten any of my belongings, or The Kings, or any food off the table or counter in forever. Yesterday there was an extra, unattended pork chop on the back porch and she never even went near it. I gave it to her anyway for good behavior.

We started running together. It was on my bucket list of things to do this summer and she needs to get in shape for hunting season so I figure its a win, win. We ran almost two miles today and she was a champion.

I pet her and that, my friends, is saying something.

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