Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cookie Monster

Auntie Kait came to town on Monday which meant baking for mama. She doesn't request goodies but whenever she's here, out comes the mixer. I guess it's become a tradition of sorts. In case you were wondering, my other sister usually requests meatballs.

And let's be honest, I'm ok with any reason to bake, especially cookies. It's pretty much the only thing I am good at in the kitchen, 75% of the time.

I finally got around to making those Sea Salt Chocolate Chip cookies I posted last week and oh, my, word. They are delicious. Do yourself this favor and make them this weekend. I'm pretty sure there are a few more batches in my near future.

I am so ready for spring. I've been buying tulips every week for the past month. They are only $6 and I gave up Starbucks so I think it's a fair trade. 

Here's some of Auntie Kait and The King's adventures from Monday. She got the stomach plague on Tuesday so she wasn't allowed to come over again until late last night. They had some fun this morning so I think she got her fix. 

Homesteading adventures

Remember that post I had a while back when I was daydreaming about turning our house into a little farm?

Well, it's happening.

We decided against moving to Texas, which I'm not going to get into, and as a result we got busy on making my crunchy, farmer dreams come true.

And by we, I mean Papa Bear. That was part of the compromise.

I picked up all my seeds on Saturday and finally got some started. I'm actually not behind at all which is great. I should mention I have no idea what I'm doing. The only thing I've ever grown is a potato and those lima beans you stick in a zip lock bag. You know, in about third grade.

Papa Bear built my raised beds, which look absolutely amazing. I can't WAIT to start using them. He really did such a great job. Unfortunately it snowed here last night so it's looking like we'll have a good month before I can get anything into the ground.

Papa Bear also surprised me and picked up our chicks yesterday. Ry is obsessed. All he wants to do is love on them.

They're currently housed in our playroom which is sort of making my house smell weird but it's far too cold for them to go outside. I suppose that's just the price I'll have to pay to have my own eggs. 

That's assuming the mama in me doesn't consume my ability to actually take the eggs from the hens.

And also assuming that we actually have hens. Apparently some of these fluffy little buggers could be roosters.

Next on Papa Bear's agenda is building the coop.

One could say this farming dream of mine is wicked ambitious. Maybe because I know absolutely nothing about gardening, canning, raising chickens or the like. I'm pretty much relying on my determination, stubbornness and family know-how to get me through. I also have a huge farming encyclopedia that has been pretty handy so far. Did you know you can buy a farming encyclopedia? I'm full of knowledge today.

My sister was visiting us this week and she thinks I'm insane. Which I may very well be.

She's a little crazy herself so I don't know if she's the best person to be calling people crazy.

(Kidding, Kait. Love ya!)

And why, you ask, am I doing all of this? Well first, I need some hobbies. But most importantly, there's a certain peace of mind that comes with consuming vegetables you've grown or locally raised meat and eggs.

Here comes the conspiracy part, I've lost all trust in our government and their ability to keep our food safe. I know that sounds crazy but look at the ingredients in some of the stuff you pick up from the market. Scary, right? I can't even pronounce half of it.

It also helps our local economy so it's a win win.

Because they're just so cute.
If you have any advice or suggestions, please feel free to share!

Ah, so excited!!!!

The Weekender, before the weekend

We had a lovely weekend, full of friends and family and firsts.

We spent a lot of time with Papa Bear's brother and girlfriend Friday and Saturday. I tend to automatically love gingers so it's a no brainer that I love these two. Yes, they are fighting fire with fire.

We watched basketball, ate too much food, played with The King and Sarah and I spent half a day at Lowe's talking to old ladies about gardens and chickens, picking out paint colors, stone and lighting. It was magical and everything I hoped it to be.

Needless to say, I left Lowe's with lots of seeds, paint swatches and dreams of all the renovations I want Papa Bear to make happen. Like, tomorrow.

The King had his first hair cut and he did so well! It was awesome for a few reasons:

First, the barber shop happens to be the same one Papa Bear has gone to his entire life.

Second, Grandpa picked up the tab which was really cute because his grandpa did the same for him as a boy.

Third, The King officially became a little boy. He's no longer my snuggly little baby, which he hasn't been for months. I almost cried during the cut but held it together because I was in a barber shop and felt really awkward already.


Here's your pictures.

He loves his grandpa. 
He just looks so grown here.

Now listening: Blake Shelton

If you haven't picked up Blake's new album, I highly recommend doing so. I will admit that I was a little concerned with his musical direction after his latest single but the album is the good ole Blake we all know and love. My favorite ginger friend also confirmed the $12.99 was well worth it, so I took the plunge and am happy I did.

This song is catchy. Like, really catchy.

Here you go red-red-red-red-red-rednecks

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Now listening: Kenny Chesney

I can't get this damn song out of my head. I'm not even joking, I wake up in the middle of the night singing it. I just picked up Blake's new album in hopes I might be able to switch tunes. If only I could get The King to stop whining long enough so I can actually hear it.

Happy Hump Day!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Recipe Time

I should start by saying I did absolutely zero baking or cooking this week. It was pretty pathetic actually.

I do want to share two recipes that I intend to try in the coming weeks.

Because I've been stressed and tend to eat my feelings they are both for dessert.



Strawberry Shortcake Cake - Pioneer Woman

This one has strawberries, cake and cream cheese frosting.

Need I say more?

The link has all of the pretty pictures to go along with the recipe.


Brown butter and sea salt chocolate chip cookies


We have a serious cookie problem in our house so this should fit perfectly into our repertoire.

I found this recipe over at the Room for Nine blog. She posts pretty pics and the recipe too. I believe she found it at Ambitious Kitchen which I should probably take note of on a regular basis.

I can't wait to try these. I have all of the ingredients, I just need to get my act together and whip em up.

Sorry for not posting the recipes themselves. They are wicked long and I assumed you wouldn't have the patience to read the entire post.

Let me know if you make them and they're yummy!

Yoohooooo contest over here!

For all of the Northeast folk. And maybe those of you that want to travel?

Have you seen the contest going on over at Jovial Photography?

This is kind of a no brainer. All you have to do is submit a picture of the people you want in the shoot, the pics get posted to Facebook and the person with the most votes wins a free, styled shoot.

I mean, why wouldn't you?

It's free.

Not to mention you get hair and makeup from Backwoods Beauty.

Did I mention it's free?

I can't say enough about Backwoods Beauty and Jovial Photography. I feel like they've prettied me up and documented the last two years of my life. Literally. I have every intention of continuing to use them going forward too.

Thank you girls.

If I haven't convinced you to do it because it's free, maybe it will help to know that I'll be working with them to create the props and help with styling?

I am beyond excited.

Ok. Stop reading. Sign up.

Passin along a pep talk

Have you seen this? If you haven't, watch it. If you have, watch it again.

I want to squeeze this little boy.

I think we could all benefit from a little kid like thinking. They are so simple but have it so right.

I hope The King is this sassy.

UPDATE: Apparently this little bugger has a bone disease and likely won't live past his teens so he's determined to make a difference. Just makes him that much awesomer. We should try a little harder to be like him.

Happy Happy

I've been slacking on the Happy journal and I'm ashamed to admit it. I had a good run and then fell, head first off the wagon.

I've been stressed.

Good news is, I'm getting back on damnit.

Isn't there some saying about getting back up and being tough or something along those lines?

Forget it.

Here's your daily dose:

"Exercising is an effective way to snap out of a funk. Even a quick, ten-minute walk provides immediate energy boost and improves mood."

Sort of fitting with the on-set of spring, my upcoming 5k and the possibility of taking on a 10 mile race that I haven't even begun training for.

I should mention I am not a runner. Not even close. Sometimes it just feels good to pound the pavement and clear my head though. I also am sorta jiggly.

I can always walk the last 9 miles right?

It's also a good excuse to go to the mall and buy new sneakers.

Grace ate my latest pair.

TGIF Betches!

Now listening: Luke Bryan

This one is for you my ginger mama.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I know it's Thursday but whatever. I can post about the weekend whenever I feel like it.

This past weekend one of my favorite people, LT, visited us from sunny San Franny. I think it's safe to say she is officially a west coaster because she was not feeling the cold weather. Neither was I and I live here, so I can't blame her.

It's almost April. Seriously. Enough with the white stuff.

We had a pretty uneventful weekend which seemed to work perfectly for us. At least, I think.

She arrived on Saturday and I greeted her with a huge hug and a warning that I may puke on her at any given moment. That's right, I picked up The King's stomach bug. It was only a matter of time.

I made it home without puking so we decided to go out for lunch. Brilliant idea. I ate a few french fries and shortly thereafter puked them up in a liquor store bathroom because we needed wine and I just couldn't hold it in.

Loving the detail?

Sunday we stopped by the emergency room because I was covered in hives that would NOT go away. If you've heard about them, this is the third week and counting. Some day they'll go away. Probably not before I turn into a hive though.

We followed up the E.R. visit with a trip up north to see the old stomping grounds. That took a whole 15, maybe 20 minutes? So we headed back home and went on a blustery walk through a nearby park. Stupid idea, number three but who's counting.

After nearly freezing The King's face off we retired home to watch the most depressing movie I've probably ever seen. I don't even remember the title so consider yourself lucky. It involved red wine, brownies and crying.

The more I write, the more I feel bad about this visit.

Oh, well. She's one of those people that doesn't need to be entertained so its ok.

Monday we took The King to the zoo which was actually awesome. It was cold and there wasn't a whole hell of a lot to see but I'm pretty sure he loved it. We got some cute pics.

We ended the weekend with a Harry Potter movie, some mexican food and leftover brownies. Fab.

Tuesday she headed home and we started day dreaming about our next rendezvous.

I'm fairly certain it will be in SF. Not in NY, in March.

Here's the pics, in no particular order!

Checkin out the fishies


This guy is 10 months

I love these pics

My favorite barn
Zoo goodness

Annie Up

I am so excited!!!!!

I just read over on Taste of Country that my favorite gaggle of broads, Pistol Annies, are releasing their second album.

Even better? It's being released on my birthday.

Thank you girls. I love you back.

Just in case you were wondering, my birthday is May 7th.

Put it in your calendar.

Ah! I am so freaking excited. If you haven't picked up their first album, I suggest you go ahead and do that now.

Here's the track list for 'Annie Up' which I found on Taste of Country as well.

1. ‘I Feel a Sin Comin’ On’
2. ‘Hush Hush’
3. ‘Being Pretty Ain’t Pretty’
4. ‘Unhappily Married’
5. ‘Loved by a Workin’ Man’
6. ‘Blues, You’re a Buzz Kill’
7. ‘Don’t Talk About Him, Tina’
8. ‘Trading One Heartbreak for Another’
9. ‘Dear Sobriety’
10. ‘Damn Thing’
11. ‘Girls Like Us’
12. ‘I Hope You’re the End of My Story’

Oh yeah

Now listening: Janis

Love this broad.

Friday, March 15, 2013

One by One

For those of you that are observant, or just like pretty colors, you probably noticed that I added a "One by One" button on the blog a few weeks ago.

Oddly enough, no one asked me what it is so I'm hoping y'all (ha!) actually clicked on the button and found out for yourself. Just in case you didn't because you have amnesia like me, read up here.

The quick and dirty if you're too lazy is as follows:

One of my favorite bloggers, Sheena, of thelittleredhouse has challenged her readers and blogger pals to join her in a mission to make the world a better place.

I know what you're thinking.

Yeah, yeah. Don't we all. Wish we could. Join the club.

But I got to thinking about her point, if we all do something reeeeeeally little, we could add it all up and the sum of our efforts will have a huge impact.

It's like recycling. Right?

And so far, it's wicked easy.

The FIRST challenge was to smile. Seriously. Just bare those pearly whites people. Smile at a stranger in the elevator, the cashier, yourself in the mirror, anyone or anything. It requires little to no effort and will probably make you feel happier all the same.

The SECOND challenge is to perform a random act of kindness.

I mean really? If you need help I'll give you some suggestions. Easy peasy.

Open the door for someone, buy a coffee for the person behind you, help someone cross the stress, make your neighbor cookies. It can literally be anything and it doesn't necessarily have to cost you a penny.

Here's the catch

If you tell someone what you've done, it doesn't count.

Because we shouldn't need recognition or validation for doing something nice. We should just know better.

So I don't want to know about what you've done, but if you'd like to share the random act you received, please leave a comment! Maybe it will help some of us drum up ideas for spreading the love.

Happy Friday!

Now listening: Beatles

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Like this one too

Being a mom is hard

If someone told me three years ago that I would be up from 2-4am catching real vomit, not spit up, in my hands, accidentally kissing a forehead covered in said vomit, smelling said vomit and being ok with it, showering and changing clothes three times and then find myself feeling sad, not angry at the end of it all, I likely would have laughed in your face.

Because all of that sounds disgusting and ridiculous, right?

Well it happened this morning, amidst a serious breakout of the hives from me (again) and it doesn't really bother me in the slightest. I am feeling tired and stressed but mostly so sad for The King. I want to smother him with mama kisses and hugs and cuddle him until he feels better. Luckily, Papa Bear is home with him now, so I know he's fine and being loved on but I feel like I should be there too. I feel guilty.

It's not fair that babies have it so rough when they're so helpless. I mean yes, someone else wipes their ass every day and feeds them but to be so sick and pukey and teething and miserable, is just not fair.

But I suppose life isn't ever "fair" so they should just start getting used to it right away?

I know at the end of the day, or in this case, maybe weekend he'll be just fine but it really makes me nervous for all of the "terrible" things that will happen to him in the future. Terrible, of course, is all the perception of the person who is experiencing it but still. There will undoubtedly be sickness, failure, heartache, defeat, stress and loss that I can't protect him from.

And at the end of the day, it's life. All I can do is dry his tears, rub his back and tell him "it's ok, mama's here". What I really want to do is keep him in my house forever and never let him out of my sight.

I'm dreading it. Really dreading it.

Being a mom is, without a doubt, the hardest job I've ever had. It really is that stupid cliche about your heart walking around outside your chest or whatever. It's so hard to explain and so powerful and so scary. But awesome all at the same time.


I know this post is totally melodramatic but it's just my mood today. I've been breaking out in hives for the last two weeks and have finally figured out it's due to stress. Not laundry soap, the dogs, food or the frigid effing temperature. Nope. Plain old stress. And it sucks. I feel like I've had so much on my mind lately that I've been spinning in circles.

So I guess maybe the purpose of this post is to find comfort knowing that other mama's feel this way too? I'm sure they must. It also sort of feels good to put it out there.

And yes, I know it could be worse but this feels bad enough for now. Here's hoping that tomorrow is a better day.

Now listening: The Lumineers

I've probably posted this one before but it's good enough to share twice so I'm ok with it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oooooh Boston you're my home

Well I accumulated more travel miles this past weekend. This time The King and I took a roadtrip to Beantown for a dear friend's wedding shower. Although we didn't quite make it into the city, it was close enough for me to get my fix. I miss that place and my people.

The King actually did really well in the car en route. We had zero crying and very little whining which was awesome. We stayed with an old college roommate, Meg, and had another old friend/roommate, Sho, stayed too. The King absolutely loves these two. It makes my heart happy to watch him play with them.

This was his face the entire time.

Meg's adorable daughter helping me. So stinking cute.
So we gossiped and caught up. Made some yummy desserts for the shower, which I probably should have shared with you now that I think about it. I'll see if I can dig them up. Stayed up way too late talking about all kinds of silly stuff, had sushi and drank some yummy wine.

The next day was the shower and also daylight savings which made things...interesting. Poor Sho slept in the room with me and The King, who was fussy and up pretty much every 30 minutes after midnight. I felt terrible but she kept a straight face when she said it was totally ok. 

On Sunday we headed over to the shower around 11 to decorate. I was zero help because I was toting The King but there were enough bridesmaids and family to make up for it. I just ran around and found staff from the restaurant to help. The King was pretty darn good and even took a little siesta amidst all the chatting hens. I think it's safe to say that all the ladies loved him and his wicked cute outfit. I, personally, am a big fan of babies in ties.

College roommates and best of friends

I did just about everything to keep him entertained.
Of course the weekend went so well that there had to be a hiccup at the end. The ride home did not go nearly as well as the ride there. The King was ridiculously overtired and cried for about half of the trip back. No exaggeration. It was hell. I tried just about everything I could to help him but he was sick of being held/buckled in. I'd hand him a toy and I'd hear him chuck it out of his seat. I had to stop four times. Nightmare.

All in all, it was worth it. I can't wait for him to see them again.

Friday recipe post - four days late

Yeah, yeah I know.

I didn't do much cooking last week because I was in DC and sick. But I did manage to squeeze in time to bake scones and make baked ziti. Neither of which are particularly challenging but delicious all the same. Papa Bear wouldn't give me credit for either one because he "hasn't been into scones lately and it's baked ziti Jen. The dog could make it."


Click here for the scones recipe.

I would write out the ingredients and directions but I'm lazy and I'm not so sure I would use this one again. Don't get me wrong, they were wicked good but I think there are probably better recipes out there. I'll try them for you this weekend and share if I find something better.

If you're looking for a really easy and fast recipe, this one is for you. I was able to make them while The King was eating breakfast. I should also note that I used fresh blueberries and Pioneer Woman's Glaze recipe. I'm not really into frozen stuff for some reason.

Baked ziti.

This one does not come with a real, internet recipe. I sorta wung it with my ma's direction. Take that for what you will. It's cheesy. Need I say more?

What you need:
Box ziti or whichever noodles you prefer
Big container of ricotta - I think it's something like 16oz? I could be lying. Just buy the tallest one and use the whole thing.
2 cups of shredded mozzarella or as much as you like because it's cheese. Duh.
Favorite jar of sauce - you may want two if you like things extra saucy. Ha.
2 eggs
red pepper flakes
Any other spices you like. I'm not good with spice

1. Preheat oven to 375
2. Cook noodles - I'd suggest a little al dente
3. Combine ricotta, 1.5 cups mozz, eggs, spices
4. Add wet mixture to noodles and sauce
5. Cover with extra shredded mozz
6. Bake for 35 minutes or until bubbly
7. Consume.

Again, totally nothing special or difficult but it involves cheese so it's a winner. This makes quite a bit but you can freeze it and pull it out on a day you're feeling lazy. It keeps pretty well.

I'm a culinary genius. No applause necessary.

Playing catch-up

Holy busy! Between traveling the past three weeks, The King teething, sick and starting daycare, blogging was the sacrifice. Many apologies friends.

I'll update you on all the fun stuff but will start my first back on the wagon post with last weekend's pics. I especially love them. The King spent the entire weekend mastering his best Frankenstein walk. He has officially earned Papa Bear's nickname, "Frankenweenie".

We now use the dining room furniture for a jungle gym.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cry me a river

I'm sick. I'm tired. I've been sitting in the airport for four hours and have nearly three more to go because of delays and re-bookings. And I left my phone charger somewhere.

Need I say more?

Here's last night in pictures. We saw quite a few monuments/memorials but it was dark so picture taking was fairly limited. My favorite was WWII memorial. I hated the Korean War memorial. It was beyond creepy. I seriously didn't take a picture because I didn't want it in my phone as a reminder. Google it.


Daniel Day-Lewis

Abe stuff.

The Original King

I didn't edit any of these because I just don't feel like it and it's not really necessary.

Verdict: I like this town.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Frequent flyer

Well, I'm back on a plane.

This time I'm headed to DC for two days. Don't judge but I've never been before and while I obviously miss the family already, I'm looking forward to this work trip.

For one, I get to see lots of colleagues I speak to nearly every week but haven't seen in a year. You guessed it, this is our annual meeting. We're also getting a tour of all the historical stuff before dinner which should be really cool. I can remember absolutely zero from history class but there's something magical about standing next to it all that I really love.

But to the real point of this post. My morning commute.

Did you ever notice how people are really on edge when they're flying? I'm usually ok but this time I kind of want to karate chop someone in the throat.

First, there was actually a line at security so my plan to arrive 30 minutes before departure nearly backfired. I suppose that one is my fault but in the history of small airports, when has there ever been a full line? Besides, my flight was at 5:25 and there was no way I was getting up before 3:30 to be an hour early. So fine, I was the idiot semi jogging to the gate with three inch heels on.

To which you're probably wondering why I'd travel in such ridiculous shoes.

To which I'll respond.

One word.


Lets all take a moment so you can laugh.


Ok. Onward.

So I boarded the plane on time and awkwardly made my way down, what I always swear is the narrowest aisle possible. Who draws these planes up anyway?

Here I am, nearly as tall as the cabin, lugging my carry-on stuffed with too much crap, balancing my computer bag on the other shoulder and tip-toeing to my seat all while trying to avoid the judging eyes from fellow passengers.

After what seems like an eternity I finally locate my assigned seat and much to my annoyance, find that Grandma dearest has decided get cozy in it.

Theres something about stealing someone's assigned seat that really chaps my ass. Maybe it goes back to elementary school when you get a seat on the bus, in the classroom or cafeteria and you absolutely have to sit there. No matter how bad you want to sit next to your boyfriend and hold hands under the table. No excuses.

And she didn't steal just any seat. Oh no, she snagged the window. Where I planned to rest my weary head and quietly snore my way to DC this morning.

Remember that post a while back about manners? Well I assumed all old people had them but I was wrong. This woman totally was taking advantage of holding an AARP card and knew that any decent human being would, of course, give an older person their seat if that meant they'd be more comfortable.

I knew what I had to do but I didn't like it one bit.

Our convo went a little like this.

Me - "Excuse me ma'am, I believe I have seat 15a."

Gma - before I could even finish my sentence "Yah, I know"

With a hint of tude and exasperation. From her, not me.

Me - "Ok. Well do you prefer the window? I really don't mind sitting here."

Gma - "Yes, I love the window seat"

And she turns away and hunkers down.

I wanted to say "Who doesn't love the damned window seat you crazy person? Now, you can get up!"

But I didn't. I smiled and sat down.

The broad didn't even say "Thank you".

Yes, I called her a broad. Because she lost the "sweet granny" title about an hour ago.

I know thats not the worst thing to ever happen to a person but you should have heard her toooone and seen the tude. If she didnt have a short grandma haircut she would have totally flipped her hair back behind her shoulder and gave me an eye roll.

Should I mention she's been snoring and farting the entire flight?

Or that she just woke up and gave me one of those granny taps on the leg, you know, the reassuring pat, and then went on to tell me how much she loves to look out the window!

Oh really? Well its a good thing I reserved it for you a month ago sweetpea.

And now she's telling me about her trip and grandbabies.

This is where I sign off and pretend I care because I have manners and am good at pretending I care about people who steal.


Happy freakin Monday.

Friday, March 1, 2013


On average, the chances of me making something edible are about 50%. Don't get me wrong, I try like hell, but at the end of the day, Papa Bear kicks my ass at the kitchen.

Which, for the most part, is fine with me. Occasionally he starts acting like he's a food network star and "kicks things up a notch". Like that time he made "stuffed meatloaf" which included leftover spanish rice, 10 garlic cloves and mozzarella in the center.

Ask me about that sometime.

So I figured on Fridays I could start sharing some of my culinary successes and dismal failures from the week.

(I should mention that all of the failures are my own damn fault and are in no way a representation of the person who thought up these yummy recipes. I just suck that much.)

Papa Bear will tell you there are a few things I'm consistently good at; breakfast food, banana-blueberry bread and banana cream pie. My sisters like my meatballs but I've lost meatball making privilege in our house to Emeril.

This week I made a banana cream pie which is a giant joke. I make about 30 of these a month and it takes a whole ten minutes.

Here's the recipe:
- Graham cracker crust - the big one, that's already made because I can't make a good crust and who has time for that.
- Box of cook and serve vanilla pudding - must be cook, not instant!
- Milk
- Four bananas

Directions: Cut up three bananas and place in pie crust. Cook the pudding according to the box. Pour it over cut up bananas. Add last banana (cut up) on top of pudding and throw her in the fridge for a while.

Voila! Real hard right? Papa Bear loves these things and will sometimes polish off the entire pie for his midnight snack. So I'm clearly doing something right and who am I to withhold a good banana cream pie?

Here's my failure this week. 

I totally used the wrong sauce for these and the "giant gulf shrimp" I bought tasted like they took the long way up North from New Orleans. They must have been a month old. And no, they didn't smell weird.

I suppose that's what I get for going to the small chain grocery store.

I totally had to pretend I was enjoying the meal because let's be honest, I couldn't give Papa Bear the satisfaction of knowing that I thought it sucked too. I also had to pout a little and pretend like I was upset with Matt for not liking dinner when I "tried so hard to make something different".

I know he fed his to the dogs when I left the room.

He's been asking me for some more "Quesadilla des Camarones" all week. 

Shit head.

There you have it folks. I'd definitely try the quesadilla's again but probably not when Papa Bear is home for dinner. It's just embarrassing when we both have to eat cereal after I spent a solid hour making something terrible and wrecking the kitchen.


Oh what an interesting week it's been in Jenny-land. 

You're probably wondering where the hell I've been. Or maybe you're not because you don't really care what I'm doing and if you did, you'd probably just send me a text along the lines of "where the hell have you been?!"

Well to answer your question. I was in Houston Sunday-Tuesday which was an interesting trip that I may or may not tell you about in the near future. 

And I stayed home with The King this week, who is sick, to spite all of my efforts to disinfect every surface in the house, and he's cutting four teeth at once. Four. 

So before we kick off this weekend, I figured I'd share my pics from last weekend because I know you care.

He loved Uncle G's guitar. I'm totally encouraging him to pick this up some day.

This face kills me.

I helped put down a floor at my friends' new house. I had no clue what I was doing and was probably in the way the entire time but I actually learned a lot at the end of the day.