Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bah humbug

This is going to be long. Apologies.

Normally I'm one of those annoying, way too excited, Christmas people. I usually hang lights from every surface of the house, have my shopping done before Thanksgiving and run around singing Christmas music 24/7.

This year I was totally not into it though. As much as I tried to be, I just could not get excited about the holidays. Now that Christmas has came and went, I still find myself very disappointed. I just can't shake the feeling so I need to put it out in the universe...

I truly, truly, did not want a single thing this year. It was The King's first Christmas and I just wanted to be together and to enjoy company and watch him "open presents". I don't feel like that was much to ask.

After opening way, way too many gifts that I didn't ask for or necessarily want, I found myself feeling upset at the thought of someone wasting money, just so I had "something to open". I actually felt guilty that someone spent their hard earned money because they thought they "had" to give me something. I kept calculating the expense of my gifts and thinking of ways in which my loved one could have used that money for something they needed or wanted.

And yes, I know it's about giving, not receiving and I should be thankful that anyone bought me anything but that's not what I'm trying to get at. I feel like the meaning of the holidays is totally lost on us all. Every single "holiday" has been commercialized. I get presents just to get presents. Half the time, you can tell it's a "shit, I haven't picked up anything yet, I'll just give her this" present. I would be happier if you made me a card, gave me a hug and told me you loved me. Honest to goodness. That would make me so much happier than the thoughtless gift you picked up last minute.

Don't get me wrong, I'm guilty of the above too. I sometimes buy meaningless gifts for people because I feel like I have to buy them something, or I haven't bought them enough, or I just don't know what to give them. Why? I have no idea. Guilt? Have we been trained to think that the only way to show someone you care is to buy them lots of presents or to buy something more expensive than what they might buy you? I don't know. But I do know, I don't like it.

My next complaint about Christmas, and just life in general, is when the hell did it become socially acceptable to sit on your phone and ignore all of the people around you? Do we even know how to speak to each other anymore? There have been so many times that I've wanted to yell at someone and say, "I am a living, breathing, person sitting right, friggen, in front of you, that you never spend time with because we have busy lives or you live far away and instead of engaging in conversation, you have your damned eyes glued to your iPhone, doing God knows what and paying zero attention to me."

It makes me so, so angry.

There's no more conversation or playing outside or laughing or helping with the dinner or dishes. No. We stand in the middle of a room and talk to people through text message or social media and pay no mind to the people, who are clearly important, around us.

Ironically, in the midst of being so plugged in, I feel so unbelievably disconnected.

We are going to become the most pathetic, incapable, stupid, socially awkward and just plain ridiculous nation of people on this planet. Instead of building relationships with people, we consume ourselves with the internet, social media, phones and television.

I'm scared. I'm scared for The King, I'm scared for my relationships and I'm scared for everyone around me.

I'm disappointed with Christmas because it's suddenly not about family. It's about presents.

I'm disappointed because it feels like life is now about being "connected" and "online" and knowing everyone else's business, completely ignoring everyone in your family because you are too wrapped up in answering your text messages or uploading "cute" pictures to Facebook.

I'm disappointed because I didn't get quality time with anyone this year. I have pictures of The King opening presents with people in the background on their phones or watching t.v. or not even in the room because they're running around somewhere, trying to get away from someone else in the room.

I'm disappointed because it all feels ugly and sad.

I'm going to make a conscious effort not to do any of this anymore. Maybe if we all try a little harder, we can get back to focusing on what's important.

I'll add it to my resolutions for 2013. I hope you do too.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

This kid

The King got an early Christmas present from his Auntie Jacque yesterday. He instantly put his arm out the window and started steering with the other.

I can't get over how cute he looks in it.

There's just something women like about a pick-up mannnn

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I forgot

Tomorrow is the end of the world right?

Is it weird that if it really was the end, I am kind of ok with it?

I mean, it would clearly be the end for everyone so it's not like I'd miss anyone or they would miss me. We'd technically all be together on the other side so we could just go on living our merry little lives, free of all the crazy people. That seems like a happier and safer and better alternative than what's going on in the world these days.

If that's how it would work, I say bring it on. I'm happy with my life and the choices I've made.

You know what sucks?

When you slam a ginormous cup of coffee and then said coffee hits your guts, making you sprint to the bathroom, only to find someone else is in there, doing the exact same thing you are dying to do but you can't, because they were there first and have a right to do their business in private, so you turn around and pretend like you were never there, only to return a few minutes later because honestly, you might explode, then thankfully, find that they are gone. 

I know I'm not the only one. Quit pretending you don't do it.

That really sucks.

It's a beautiful morning

Today is off to a great start. The King is seven months today and he woke up in a marvelous mood. Smiling and laughing, enjoying his waffles and bananas.

Then he did something crazy.

He waved goodbye to me when I left for work.

...chokes back tears...

oh. my. goodness.

Then on my way in, I heard this and my Christmas spirit kicked into overdrive. It's exactly what I needed.

I think I might love Luke Bryan. Just sayin. 

And now I'm eating Christmas cookies for breakfast and listening to Luke Bryan holiday on Pandora.

What could possibly go wrong when you have a morning like this?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

More ways to help Newtown - Newtown Shooting: How to Help

Want Want Want

Now that I started daydreaming about all things I want, I can't stop. Pioneer Woman gave these away on her site and now I want them in the worst way.

I'm pretty sure my feet/ankles aren't meant for cowboy boots but I don't care. I want what I want and I want it now.

Or, you know, some day.

Check out the site to buy these. They have a ton of fancy boots that would look lovely in my closet.


I want Joy to fly to NY and take lots and lots of pictures of us. If I planned on spending a gazillion dollars on our wedding, I'd beg for her to do that too. She's just plain awesome.

Wildflowers Photography

Dear Santa

I have probably THE lamest Christmas list on the planet this year. No joke, I asked for an ice cream scoop, rubber spatulas - you know those ones you use for baking that are awesome, a silverware tray, robe and towels.

What happened to me?

Oh yeah, we bought a house and had a baby.

So I got to thinking. If Santa really did exist or you know, if we grew money trees in our backyard, I would have the most ludicrous list on the planet. It would look a little something like this...

1. Clarks leather boots. Real ones, sorry PETA. I saw these back in September when they were like $300 and I wanted them soooo badly. They are just way out of my price range.

2. One of these cameras. With a lens. That I can do cool stuff with. I haven't done enough research to know which one I want but I want one and that's enough to be on the list.

3. Northface sleeping bag coat. These are ridiculously expensive but so warm. Lately I've been rocking Papa Bears hunting jackets to go outside. Can't really wear those to work though.

4. These UGG slippers would look lovely on my feet...if they cost $20.

5. Bose speakers. The King and I would really rock the house with this. We're always listening to music and it's never quite loud enough. That's a lie. I really don't need louder music, I just want it.

I'll stop at five because it just seems like the right thing to do. Plus I could go on for days and days. I'm seriously fighting the urge to keep going. Basically, anything expensive that I would NEVER ask someone to buy me or would never buy myself would go on this list. 

Now where can I find money tree seeds?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Letters to Newtown

For anyone out there that would like to send a letter or card to those affected by the Sandy Hook tragedy, please send to the following address:

Messages of Condolence for Newtown
PO Box 3700
Newtown CT 06470

Sandy Hook Condolence Letters


The King has been in an awesome mood since last Friday. I don't know why but knock on wood just to be safe. We had so much fun playing and rolling around and giggling this weekend. He's quickly becoming a little boy and it's so fun to watch. I snapped this picture of him and I being silly and I love it so, so much.

You know, minus my crows feet and double chin.



Man I love him.

My heart hurts

I am still so unbelievably shocked and saddened by the tragedy in Newtown. I don't even really know what to say. I want to drive there and hug every single one of those families. I want to sit and cry with them and hold them and help them and let them know that we're all hurting right along with them. That our hearts break a little more every time we think about what has happened. It's just so unfair. No one should have to bury their baby. No one.

Given this tragic news and the time of year, I think we can all try to be extra kind to each other. Smile at a stranger, perform a random act of kindness and be appreciative for all that you do have. Most importantly, hug your children tightly.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Do you watch Duck Dynasty on A&E?

If not, you should.

It's hilarious.

Just look at this guy.

Did I mention Papa Bear and I met the crew while we were in NYC? They stuck out like a sore thumb, in the middle of Manhattan, in head to toe camo. I was so excited, I almost got hit by a cab when I speed waddled across the street to say hello.

I don't think Si spoke two words. Papa Bear talked to Phil and I chatted with Willie. They were so, so nice. It's too bad Jase wasn't there because he is second best, after Si of course.

Just so you believe me. Here's proof. Yes, of course, I asked them for a picture.

Check out how enormous I am. Papa Bear must have been so embarrassed. I had The King about a week later. Laugh all you want!

Gift idea

I was just surfing through my girl Ree's blog and stumbled upon her favorite Christmas gifts section. She has some really great stuff on there but these measuring cups/spoons she posted really stuck out to me.

BM - these without a doubt belong in your kitchen.

Pop-print measuring spoons
Painted Amaryllis measuring cups
Izmir measuring cups

They're not ridiculously priced for Anthropologie but they are ridiculously priced compared to what I could get at my second home, Tarjay.

Only 12 more days till Christmas!!

I was right...per usual.

Remember a while back when I told you about Little Big Town's - Better Dig Two? And I was kind of teetering between this woman being a devoted, lovey wife or an insane crazypants?

Well according to the new video, homegirl is off her rocker.

Man I'm good.

P.S. Broseph on the right needs to do something with his hair game. What exactly is going on with his head?

Check out Carrie's preview for Two Black Cadillacs while we're at it.

What's with creepiness in December? Not ok.

Miranda morning

I'm in desperate need of a little "get up an go" this morning. Coffee just ain't cuttin it.

Long story short, The King is still on a bender of no sleep and miserable-ness.

Which means I get no sleep and am miserable.

Something's gotta give.

I decided to turn to Miranda and her Annies this morning. They're always good for toe tappin', old feelin' country tunes. More artists should head in this direction. Forget the pop crap. I really love the old stuff. Can't beat it.

Then you have Miranda. She's just a badass. I bet she's actually as crazy as the women in her songs. Get it girl.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

DIY Nonsense

I'm always looking for fun stuff to make or for a little decorating inspiration. I found this blog a while back on the almighty Pinterest and wanted to share.

They have some great ideas on there and include video tutorials or step by step instruction. I'm sure these blogs are a dime a dozen but this one is pretty good.


I ain't as good as I once was

I am seriously getting old.

I used to take day trips to NYC all the time for work and wouldn't bat an eye at the crazy schedule. Not anymore. I ain't no spring chicken people. I am so tired today I can barely keep my damn eyes open. 

The trip was fun and productive. The onion bagel was marvelous and I enjoyed some good food, wine and conversation with this goofball. Actually the food was terrible, who am I kidding.

Fun fact, she's currently in love with a Canadian and could still be considered slightly insane. She masks it quite well though with sarcasm and dimples. Good for her. 

Wish I could have bumped into the other sister and a good friend from home. Just not enough time. Maybe the next trip.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New Yawk, New Yawk

Oh how I've missed your bagels and holiday spirit!

I'm headed to the Big City today for an area meeting at work. It's going to be one hell of a long day but I'm secretly, or not so secretly anymore, happy to get out of the house. It has been a trying two days with The King.

Seemingly overnight he's learned to crawl, pull himself to standing and roam the living room like a man on a hunting and gathering mission. One day I could leave the room to pee and the next, he's pulling Christmas lights off the tree and stuffing dog toys in his grill.

What happened to my baby? And can I have him back for just a bit longer?

My first agenda item whilst in NYC is to buy a bagel. You read that correctly, buy a bagel. They are so unbelievably delish and I'm taking a cab from the airport directly to my favorite place. Then I'll walk my old path to the office and reminisce about being wicked pregnant, waddling down the street every day. I'm planning to work, obviously, but mostly chat and gossip with my work friends who I've missed oh so much. Then a quick dinner and wine, emphasis on wine, with one of my sisters and back home by midnight.

It's just enough excitement to satisfy my inner yuppie and just enough mayhem to remind me why I love my little family and quiet little life.

My stunning view this morning. Beautiful.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rainbows and butterflies and possibly a unicorn. Just because.

You ever have one of those days when everything seems to go your way?

Well today is apparently my day and I am totally digging it.

I'll spare you allllll of the details but to give you a sense of what's going on...

I'm currently polishing off a delicious brownie from the Christmas package I received this morning that probably wasn't really meant for me but had my name on it.

I don't even care at all about hijacking the brownies or that run-on sentence.

I'm sorry Boston recruiting team. Boston College clearly likes me more and I'm not sending a single crumb back to you.

You should order yourself some. Dancing Deer is delish!


This is what I feel like.

Now knock on wood.


Dad made me an awesome breakfast so I'm happy, happy, happy this morning. He also packed my lunch and warmed up the car for me. How awesome is he?

Two things I wanted to share with you this morning.

The first. I was reading my new farmers encyclopedia last night and it's chock full of interesting stuff. Matt bought it for me last week because he knows I'm slightly obsessed with my farm dream...

Well guess what? I learned that chickens have lice. Say what?! I officially retract my previous statement about raising chickens. I know they are nasty little bastards but I am so not into parasites. No way. I'll continue to buy organic eggs and chicken breast at the store. Thanks but no thanks. 

I think I'll start with gardening. Animals can wait.

Second. I became a little obsessed with The Pioneer Woman last year. I watched her cooking show quite a bit while I was pregnant and lazy. Well I just discovered the true awesomeness of her website. Not only does she have yummy recipes but there are all sorts of tips and tricks on there. I thought it would be selfish of me to withhold quality procrastination tools so here you go: Pioneer Woman.

That's all Jack.


For those of you that are like me and haven't started your Christmas shopping yet, check out this site: Made in the U.S.A.

Maybe I'm feeling a bit patriotic because our house is in the process of being decorated with red, white, and blue Christmas lights (credit to dad on that one). Or maybe I'm more interested in the future of our country because of The King. Either way, it seems like a no brainer to support our economy and possibly local business by buying American made products.

I haven't checked out the site yet so I have no clue if it's user friendly or how easy it is to find what you want but it's worth a shot. I know it's getting harder and harder to find stuff made here so hopefully this will help.

Happy shopping!

Credit to the Wolf radio station for sharing this morning.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Work is pretty slow. I've spent most of the day on a really boring reporting project in excel. Bleck. It reminds me of my short lived auditing career when I contemplated stabbing my eyes out with my pencil hourly.

So what's a girl to do when there is absolutely no brain power required at work and George Strait is crooning over her pandora station?


And blog.

You think I'd be dreaming up a marvelous rustic wedding for next year with hay bale seating and mason jar lighting galore...nope.

I'm fantasizing about turning our quiet little homestead into an itty bitty farm with gardens and chickens and pigs and maybe a horse or donkey or goat. Add in a pond with a rope swing and a little barn somewhere and I'm certain I'd be in heaven.

We definitely don't have enough land for all of that and I would have a lot of learning to do but doesn't it sound so magical? It would be the absolute perfect place for The King to grow up. We could pick vegetables, berries and flowers. Feed animals and pick worms. Go swimming. Climb trees and build forts. He'd learn all sorts of manly things from dad and I'd take lots of pictures and soak up every precious moment of his childhood.

I think I was born to raise boys and make a life with a man that has rough hands and a soft heart.


Maybe I'll pitch my idea to dear ole dad tonight...

Wish me luck!


For those of you that haven't ordered your Christmas cards yet, Shutterfly has 30% off.

Get it while it's hot!

You're welcome

Country and Cold Cans

I bought this album a few weeks ago and have been meaning to tell you about it ever since. I also bought Home, which I should probably tell you about too since we're on the topic of Dierks. Maybe later though. I like this one better.

Country and Cold Cans was released in August of this year and I'd like to say that whoever is in charge of setting his dates is pretty darn stupid. Dierks is touring with Miranda next year so maybe that's why they waited? I don't know. I plan to attend the concert so I'll probably just talk to him about it when I see him.

If this was released in June I would have totally listened to it on repeat every single day. I might have even had a beer. Just kidding. Maybe, like, two years ago, I would have been slugging Sam Summers on the beach to this one. It's now my kitchen cleaning anthem. See what being a mama does to you? 

The EP is only 18 minutes long but it's a solid 18 minutes of carefree summer fun. Every single song makes you want to rewind back to those 80 degree days, "pop a top" and relax with some good friends. I do not recommend listening to this in say, February, when the winter blues have set in and all you really want is summer. That might make you go cray cray.

I don't know who came out with this idea first but Luke Bryan also releases these short, party anthem type EPs. I highly recommend him as well and love them just as much. His are a little more college themed but fun all the same.

My thoughts:

1. Country and Cold Cans - So friggen true. Can't have one without the other. This reminds me of the 8,000 country concerts I've been to over the years. Beer drinking is a given.
2. Grab a Beer - Just head bobbing, toe tapping fun. Nothing more to say. 
3. Back porch - I'm hoping this will be my 2013 summer. I can just picture it now. The King will be ripping around our yard, chasing dogs and picking berries, while Papa Bear gets his grill on and I try to tan my pastey skin. I probably won't be drinking any beers and will likely burn but hey, a mama can dream. 
4. Summer on Fire - Makes me want to jump up and down. 
5. Tip it on Back - This one is on the radio now and I actually sing it to The King almost every day. He's trying to figure out how to hold his bottle so I instruct him to tiiiiiiiip it on baaaaaack. Formula. Not beer. 


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Where's the Kleenex?

I returned to work in October after five marvelous months of maternity leave. When I first went back, The King hardly noticed I was gone. He never made a fuss when I left in the morning and usually stared at me blankly when I returned home. As you probably guessed, I was not thrilled about The King's lack of excitement and affection.

Fast forward nearly two months later and The King is an entirely different little boy. I can't believe how much has changed.

The bad news first; he now whines and fusses when I leave. I feel awful for him but our sitter, Meg, tells me that he's usually fine after a few minutes and completely forgets I'm gone. Sad for me, great for him.

The good news and best part of this whole working mama gig, he is SO darn excited to see me when I get home now. You know that reaction your dog has when you get home from work? Wagging tail, panting, drooling, jumping and barking? Like, "where have you been all my life, I have missed you so much, I couldn't stand another second away from you, pet me, pet me, pet me!"

If The King was a dog he'd act just like that.

Today was a new level of excited though and the whole point to this post. Normally, Meg stands with The King in front of the window so he can see me pull in. She helps him wave and I stand in the middle of the driveway, like an idiot, waving her. Then they meet me at the door and I get a smiling, happy baby, grabbing for his mama.

I love so much that she does this by the way.

Well today I snuck into the living room and found them playing on the floor. I said "Hello" and The King snapped his head around to see me, grinned ear to ear, and then CRAWLED over to me. That's right. He crawled over to me and whined for me to pick him up.

Cue the waterworks.

I have never been so happy, excited, terrified and sad all at the same time. It definitely wasn't a very coordinated crawl and was really pretty ugly but that's not the point. He crawled.

(practice round over the weekend)

I can't believe that my little boy has grown so fast. I was looking at pictures of him from this summer and it made me so sad. You really don't realize how little and perfect they are when you're trying to survive on four hours of sleep and PB&J sandwiches.

I wish I could stop time and just live in this moment for a little while. Every day he is learning something new and I'm so proud of him. It's really just so amazing to watch them turn into little people.

You can bet that I rocked and snuggled The King an extra couple lullabies tonight. He nestled right into my neck like he always does and I breathed in that yummy baby smell with a full heart. I'm scared that I'm going to wake up one day and all of this will have passed me by so I made a promise to slow down. Stop and smell the roses, ya know?

I've also promised to rock The King to sleep until he's 40. My sincerest apologies to his future wife.

And I was worried about Grace...

Hard to believe but The King is still sick. He now has some sort of stomach virus causing him to shit like 300 times a day.

At least it's not boogers.

On top of being miserable, the poor bugger has a bad rash on his bum now. Per the direction of everyone on the planet, I've been trying to air it out as much as possible. As you can imagine, that's risky business.

Well here I was worried about the puppy ruining the carpet and The King is the one marking his territory all over the damn place. He has managed to go number 1 AND number 2 (twice) on the blanket/floor!!! Both of the number two incidents took place this morning before mama left for work. Daddy grabbed the wipes and then ran for the hills gagging so I had a nice mess to clean up and two loads of laundry to do by 7am.

What. The. Hell.

He needs to air out so I have to let him but really kid? You're for real? You're taking it to a whole new level bud. I'm totally putting this in your baby book and telling all of your future girlfriends when you're 16.

That's what moms are for, right?

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Countdown: 23 days!

Thank you abc family for making the month of December that much awesomer! For those of you who live under a rock, they count down to Christmas with a classic movie(s) each night. Here's the schedule.

I'm totally going to let The King stay up late to watch these some day. You know, in like, five years. Hopefully it's still playing. Remember how awesome TGIF and Saturday morning cartoons were? I'd still be watching if they were on.

I am currently on a mission to buy all of the movies they play. I seriously love Christmas that much and the little kid inside me desperately needs them. Except for the Grinch. I refuse to buy that one unless it's the old cartoon. I'm watching it right now and I can't get over how creepy it is. The person who approved Jim Carey starring in a children's Christmas movie should be hung by their toes in the Rockefeller Plaza tree. At the top.

I am so feeling the Christmas spirit tonight though. If only I had some milk and cookies...

Check me out.

Yes, I have a tacky tree with colored lights and a hideous star. Yes, my ornaments are mismatched and most are wicked old. Yes, I love it and wouldn't have it any other way.