Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Work is pretty slow. I've spent most of the day on a really boring reporting project in excel. Bleck. It reminds me of my short lived auditing career when I contemplated stabbing my eyes out with my pencil hourly.

So what's a girl to do when there is absolutely no brain power required at work and George Strait is crooning over her pandora station?


And blog.

You think I'd be dreaming up a marvelous rustic wedding for next year with hay bale seating and mason jar lighting galore...nope.

I'm fantasizing about turning our quiet little homestead into an itty bitty farm with gardens and chickens and pigs and maybe a horse or donkey or goat. Add in a pond with a rope swing and a little barn somewhere and I'm certain I'd be in heaven.

We definitely don't have enough land for all of that and I would have a lot of learning to do but doesn't it sound so magical? It would be the absolute perfect place for The King to grow up. We could pick vegetables, berries and flowers. Feed animals and pick worms. Go swimming. Climb trees and build forts. He'd learn all sorts of manly things from dad and I'd take lots of pictures and soak up every precious moment of his childhood.

I think I was born to raise boys and make a life with a man that has rough hands and a soft heart.


Maybe I'll pitch my idea to dear ole dad tonight...

Wish me luck!

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