Thursday, March 28, 2013

Homesteading adventures

Remember that post I had a while back when I was daydreaming about turning our house into a little farm?

Well, it's happening.

We decided against moving to Texas, which I'm not going to get into, and as a result we got busy on making my crunchy, farmer dreams come true.

And by we, I mean Papa Bear. That was part of the compromise.

I picked up all my seeds on Saturday and finally got some started. I'm actually not behind at all which is great. I should mention I have no idea what I'm doing. The only thing I've ever grown is a potato and those lima beans you stick in a zip lock bag. You know, in about third grade.

Papa Bear built my raised beds, which look absolutely amazing. I can't WAIT to start using them. He really did such a great job. Unfortunately it snowed here last night so it's looking like we'll have a good month before I can get anything into the ground.

Papa Bear also surprised me and picked up our chicks yesterday. Ry is obsessed. All he wants to do is love on them.

They're currently housed in our playroom which is sort of making my house smell weird but it's far too cold for them to go outside. I suppose that's just the price I'll have to pay to have my own eggs. 

That's assuming the mama in me doesn't consume my ability to actually take the eggs from the hens.

And also assuming that we actually have hens. Apparently some of these fluffy little buggers could be roosters.

Next on Papa Bear's agenda is building the coop.

One could say this farming dream of mine is wicked ambitious. Maybe because I know absolutely nothing about gardening, canning, raising chickens or the like. I'm pretty much relying on my determination, stubbornness and family know-how to get me through. I also have a huge farming encyclopedia that has been pretty handy so far. Did you know you can buy a farming encyclopedia? I'm full of knowledge today.

My sister was visiting us this week and she thinks I'm insane. Which I may very well be.

She's a little crazy herself so I don't know if she's the best person to be calling people crazy.

(Kidding, Kait. Love ya!)

And why, you ask, am I doing all of this? Well first, I need some hobbies. But most importantly, there's a certain peace of mind that comes with consuming vegetables you've grown or locally raised meat and eggs.

Here comes the conspiracy part, I've lost all trust in our government and their ability to keep our food safe. I know that sounds crazy but look at the ingredients in some of the stuff you pick up from the market. Scary, right? I can't even pronounce half of it.

It also helps our local economy so it's a win win.

Because they're just so cute.
If you have any advice or suggestions, please feel free to share!

Ah, so excited!!!!

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