Thursday, March 21, 2013


I know it's Thursday but whatever. I can post about the weekend whenever I feel like it.

This past weekend one of my favorite people, LT, visited us from sunny San Franny. I think it's safe to say she is officially a west coaster because she was not feeling the cold weather. Neither was I and I live here, so I can't blame her.

It's almost April. Seriously. Enough with the white stuff.

We had a pretty uneventful weekend which seemed to work perfectly for us. At least, I think.

She arrived on Saturday and I greeted her with a huge hug and a warning that I may puke on her at any given moment. That's right, I picked up The King's stomach bug. It was only a matter of time.

I made it home without puking so we decided to go out for lunch. Brilliant idea. I ate a few french fries and shortly thereafter puked them up in a liquor store bathroom because we needed wine and I just couldn't hold it in.

Loving the detail?

Sunday we stopped by the emergency room because I was covered in hives that would NOT go away. If you've heard about them, this is the third week and counting. Some day they'll go away. Probably not before I turn into a hive though.

We followed up the E.R. visit with a trip up north to see the old stomping grounds. That took a whole 15, maybe 20 minutes? So we headed back home and went on a blustery walk through a nearby park. Stupid idea, number three but who's counting.

After nearly freezing The King's face off we retired home to watch the most depressing movie I've probably ever seen. I don't even remember the title so consider yourself lucky. It involved red wine, brownies and crying.

The more I write, the more I feel bad about this visit.

Oh, well. She's one of those people that doesn't need to be entertained so its ok.

Monday we took The King to the zoo which was actually awesome. It was cold and there wasn't a whole hell of a lot to see but I'm pretty sure he loved it. We got some cute pics.

We ended the weekend with a Harry Potter movie, some mexican food and leftover brownies. Fab.

Tuesday she headed home and we started day dreaming about our next rendezvous.

I'm fairly certain it will be in SF. Not in NY, in March.

Here's the pics, in no particular order!

Checkin out the fishies


This guy is 10 months

I love these pics

My favorite barn
Zoo goodness

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