Thursday, September 19, 2013

Old School

What percent of American homes do you think do not have a microwave?

I love google.

The answer is 6.8%

So, quick math tells me 93.2% of homes do have microwaves.

And we are no longer one of them. 

During my nightly juggling act of making two dinners, I threw some leftovers in the microwave for The King. Just a quick, 30 second nuke job. The timer goes off, I open the door, and out comes a huge cloud of smoke, not what I was expecting. Luckily nothing was on fire and clearly no one got hurt, but my house smelled like ass for a solid few hours and I was pretty annoyed that the damn thing broke.

Now this is the same microwave that has also caught a few plastic bowls on fire. So I'm not sure why I'm so surprised, but it was only a year old and cost like 200 bucks. It shouldn't break. Manufacturers need to start making stuff that is worth a damn again. I'm sick of replacing things every 1-2 years. 

But the point to my story is, have you ever stopped to think how much you actually use one of those things? Do you think it's even healthy? For real?

I mean, I don't even understand how they work but I never even think twice about throwing something in there. Since last night, I've gone to use it five or six times and every time I've been shocked and annoyed. I really depend on that thing.

Then I realized I can just heat it up on the stove, like it's 1775 and all is right in the world. Minus the screaming men in my life who are HUNGRY.

This may sound crazy but I've decided I'm going to see how long we can go without a microwave.

Because I need more difficulty in my life...

PB is for sure going to be irritated and go out and buy a new one tomorrow. I'll probably be sick of it by Sunday but it will be an interesting little experiment and maybe teach me some patience or to plan better? I don't know. What the hell? Why not?

Let me know if you jump on the crazy train and decide to try it too.

In other news, I was up all night and apparently so was my ginger friend who texted me at 12:45am about her evening, thinking I'd see it in the morning. Wrong. Mamas aint got time for sleep.

She makes me feel less crazy and I love her for it.

Also, how cute is this guy? His biggest smile and breakfast with his puppy. 

Early morning duck hunting. I don't even put him up to this stuff. I just cheer him on, make sure he doesn't fall out the window and let him know when the ducks are coming in.

"Here they come buddy, SHOOT EM!"

I should probably clean my windows.

Happy Thursday Friends!

1 comment:

  1. You have a puppy and a young child. Don't bother with the windows, and make life easier with a new microwave!! ;-)
