Friday, March 15, 2013

One by One

For those of you that are observant, or just like pretty colors, you probably noticed that I added a "One by One" button on the blog a few weeks ago.

Oddly enough, no one asked me what it is so I'm hoping y'all (ha!) actually clicked on the button and found out for yourself. Just in case you didn't because you have amnesia like me, read up here.

The quick and dirty if you're too lazy is as follows:

One of my favorite bloggers, Sheena, of thelittleredhouse has challenged her readers and blogger pals to join her in a mission to make the world a better place.

I know what you're thinking.

Yeah, yeah. Don't we all. Wish we could. Join the club.

But I got to thinking about her point, if we all do something reeeeeeally little, we could add it all up and the sum of our efforts will have a huge impact.

It's like recycling. Right?

And so far, it's wicked easy.

The FIRST challenge was to smile. Seriously. Just bare those pearly whites people. Smile at a stranger in the elevator, the cashier, yourself in the mirror, anyone or anything. It requires little to no effort and will probably make you feel happier all the same.

The SECOND challenge is to perform a random act of kindness.

I mean really? If you need help I'll give you some suggestions. Easy peasy.

Open the door for someone, buy a coffee for the person behind you, help someone cross the stress, make your neighbor cookies. It can literally be anything and it doesn't necessarily have to cost you a penny.

Here's the catch

If you tell someone what you've done, it doesn't count.

Because we shouldn't need recognition or validation for doing something nice. We should just know better.

So I don't want to know about what you've done, but if you'd like to share the random act you received, please leave a comment! Maybe it will help some of us drum up ideas for spreading the love.

Happy Friday!

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