Monday, December 9, 2013

You wouldn't believe it

Well let me tell you what. We had such a good little weekend that my Monday couldn't possibly stink.

Friday night my parents came over for dinner and we had some awesome mexican food which is pretty hard to come by way up here. The King was a wild animal putting on a show but it was fun per usual.

Earlier in the week I made the executive decision to bring back Christmas cookies to our family so I spent the rest of Friday night baking. Literally, until midnight. I ended up making sea salt chocolate chip, peanut butter, brownies, raspberry bars, peanut butter with chocolate and peanut butter chips, sugar cookies and chocolate peanut butter ball things. It was totally exhausting and totally awesome all at the same time. I give myself a C+ for originality and an A+ for taste. (see below). I'll share the recipes soon.

Saturday was spent doing some good deeds and giving back to the community. All kinds of warm fuzzies up in here. We didn't do anything over the top or expensive, just a few small gestures that I think went a long way. My sisters willingly forfeited their Christmas gifts this year to help out which was awesome too. I don't tell you this because I want you to think we're nice people, I only tell you in hopes that you might consider doing the same. You'd be surprised how excited people are to get a few cookies and a Christmas card.

We have CM to thank for organizing all of us ladies. She did a really great job and was so thoughtful.

Sunday morning The King actually slept in to 7:19am which means I did too. I could hardly believe it when I woke up. I finally got my floors mopped, PB got the dogs organized and washed all the crap they drug into the kennel (see below). I put Kingy down for a nap, popped a chicken in the oven to roast (oh my goodness friggen good) and then I bundled up to sit night watch.

You read that correctly. I went hunting.

And let's be clear here. Yes, I had a gun and I actually had ammunition but the odds of me seeing something or getting the balls to actually shoot it were pretty slim. I'm pretty sure PB let me go just to humor me because I sat through that mother effing class for 12 hours but he was also pretty darn encouraging and supportive and I think he hoped I would actually shoot something.

But anyway, let's talk about hunting. 

It's a whole bunch of freezing, exciting, boring, back aching, terrifying, adrenaline pumping and satisfying all at the same time. 

To start, I'm terrified of heights so me getting the balls to climb into that tree stand was pretty enormous. You better believe that I said a prayer asking that if I saw something worth shooting I'd actually hit it but that I also wouldn't then fall out of the tree. There were several times I thought to myself, "why the shit did he put this thing so high up?" and "I wonder if I could die from falling out of here. No I couldn't, right? But if I fall, I should probably try to grab onto something or maybe hook my feet in right here if I shoot..."

No joke.

I saw two deer, what I assume was a mama and a baby (big baby). They were pretty far away and let's be honest, I wouldn't try shooting them anyway. I saw a rabbit some squirrels and heard a whole lot of mother effing screaming. Yeah, terrifying Blair Witch project screaming. You wanna know the culprit? Turkey. You want to know who is a chicken shit and freaked the eff out immediately? This gal. 

There were a few times I thought I heard something behind me but I couldn't turn around, nor did I want to because I didn't want to fall out of the stand and you're supposed to sit still. Which I also suck at. But when you hear something your heart gets pumping so hard in your chest and you start playing out what you'll do if whatever that thing is comes round so you can actually see it. It was totally fun and such an adrenaline rush. Also, your mind totally plays tricks on you.

I actually stayed out until dark and practically ran back to the house when PB said I could leave because lets be honest, the only thing more terrifying than falling out of a tree, the blair witch or screaming turkey is a dark woods and the sound of coyotes howling.

I made my way back to the house to a very confused Kingy waiting for me in the window. He couldn't understand why the hell I was hunting and daddy was pulling a roasted chicken out of the oven. It was great.

I asked him this morning "Did mommy go hunting last night?" and he nodded his head yes and smiled.

And then I realized that's why I did it, to make my boys proud.

I know for sure that I will be chopped liver when Kingy is old enough to hunt but it's really nice to know that PB is willing to let me in on the action once in a while. You know, so I can sometimes, occasionally, hang with the boys.

Here's the weekend in pictures. I hope yours was as wicked awesome as mine!!

Burning the midnight oil.
I found all of this in the kennel. Guess they were mad at us.

And this is a snip-it of our conversation whilst mama was in the stand...

I sure do love these two.


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