Monday, December 2, 2013

Back at it

Oh Monday after vacation. You are just plain rotten.

I was up pretty much all night with the dogs and The King last night which is some sort of cruel joke because Kingy ran me into the ground all day. Fortunately, I could stick the dogs in the kennel. Unfortunately, I can't do that with Kingy.

I really should try and figure out some sort of cage for him outside though...


Sort of.

And because we like to carry our momentum into the morning. We were 30 minutes late. Buck jumped on me and put a hole in the tights I'm wearing which I didn't see until I arrived at work. I only brought one shoe so I'm wearing the brown heels that were stashed under my desk. Great that I have shoes. Not so great that I'm wearing black tights and a black and white striped dress. I found banana all over my sweater aaaaand I left my coffee in the car.

I really know how to kick off a work week, eh?

Anyway! I hope everyone had a wicked awesome Thanksgiving!

Ours went rather smoothly, probably much like yours. I ate way, way too much food but it was totally worth the two pounds. I highly recommend that banana cream pie and those brussel sprouts. Like, whoa. They were freakin good. I officially have to make them for every holiday. That and 500 pies.

The King had a blast up north spending time with his enormous family and our friends. PB got a deer. Yay for meat in the freezer! And we spent the rest of our weekend decking the halls and hanging out, which is code for me trying every trick in the book to keep Kingy entertained. It's harder than you think.

Aside from discovering I gained two pounds from eating so much cheese, I also realized this weekend that there is one thing about motherhood that I truly, truly hate. And I mean hate with a passion. I know that sounds really bad because motherhood is always rainbows and butterflies (puhleaze) but hear me out on this one.

It's not staying up all night, cleaning shitty diapers and gross green boogers or any other hard mom stuff you face on the regular.


It's playing outside in the snow.

I cannot even express how much I hate playing in the mother freaking snow!!!! I would stay up every night for two months and clean poopy diapers until he's five if I could just avoid having to bundle us both up for ten minutes just for us to go outside and freeze my ass off for a measly 20 minutes.

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!

Now that I got that off my chest, here's the mayhem in pictures. No captions necessary. Facial expressions say it all.

Watching PB hang the deer

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