Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A series of unfortunate events

Well, I fell asleep in bed with The King last night. And not in our bed, no no. I crammed into his tiny little converted toddler bed with him because who can resist their baby patting a pillow and sweetly saying "mommy?"

That's right, no one.

Sadly, this is not the first time. 

I woke up around 11 with a kinked neck which compared to what I found in my bed this morning is not so bad. 

Puke. Buck puked in my bed. 

Or as Kingy put it "E pooked!'

If you're keeping tabs, that's Buck - 2 and Ma - 0

And I know what you're thinking, just put him in the damn kennel and stop letting him sleep with you. 

Well here's the thing, I just can't. 

First, he cuddles with me all night. I don't get to cuddle with humans anymore because one of my favorites opts for the couch each night. I need affection and if it comes in the form of snuggling up to my dog well, then I'm sorry, I'm not sorry. 

Second, he cuddles with Kingy too when he comes into my bed in the morning. Have you ever seen a puppy and toddler spooning? The cuteness is just ridiculous. And their buddies. How could I deny The King his buddy Baboo?

Third, he's warm. I'm always cold. That's just a no brainer. 

So yeah, Buck puked in my bed. My logic, at least he had the decency to do it at the end of the bed where I can't reach and not on the pillow next to my face where he's usually snuggled up resting his adorable little puppy mug. 

Even stranger than all of this, none of it shocks me anymore. Its like, par for the course or something.

Happy hump day pals.


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