Monday, December 16, 2013

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Until January 2nd and then I am totally done with you!

Holy moly it hasn't stopped snowing here since last week some time. It sure is pretty and a whole bunch of inconvenient. I have a trip to NYC this week and am not too confident I'll make it. Fingers crossed!

I worked a bit on my lengthy Christmas list this weekend. What is with spending a fortune and not really getting much of anything at all to show for it? And nothing special at all, that's for sure.

I really wanted to buy from small shops this year or make some things myself but I kept getting requests for tupperware and hand mixers. I don't think you can find those on Etsy and I don't have the slightest clue as to how to make plastic.

I also realized that buying for Kingy is damn near impossible. You'd think it would be the easiest and to a certain extent it is, but when you know he's going to be spoiled rotten by every single person you know, it kinda makes things difficult. Don't get me wrong, I love that he is so loved and I realize that some kids don't get much of anything. I'm just nervous to see how much he actually gets. And I kind of would like to buy him something cool too, ya know?

In other news, I made chicken pot pie last night and it was awesome. Go figure, PB is sick as a dog and suffering from an ear infection because, well he's my son's father, so he couldn't taste the awesome-ness. Sucks to be him.

I think I've shared the recipe before but just in case, here you go. It's beyond easy. The King ate a TON of it because he thought it was pie, pie. HA! Score one for the good guys!

Here's some weekend snaps.

Talking to Santa

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