Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Let's play a game

True or False

I eat the leftovers on Kingy's plate for breakfast


And don't even pretend like you don't do it too.

This motherhood gig is funny sometimes. I can't tell you how many times I've caught myself doing things that I would have never, ever imagined I would do.

I've never had a laundry lists of things I said I'd "never do when I became a parent" but I do have a list of things that I really want to be sure that I do. I don't really know how I'll parent until I'm put in a situation that requires me to make a decision. I like to think I have enough logic to do right but hey, we all make mistakes.

But that's for another day.

Instead, I thought I'd share a list of my "what the hell just happened" moments.

1. See above. I eat leftovers. I even sometimes accidently eat ABC food. You know, already been chewed. Bleck.

2. I wipe boogers with my hand. This one really, really boggles the mind. And it gets better. If I have to, I go ahead and wipe said boogs on my clothes and move on. This may be why I never get dressed in adult clothes.

3. I can change a gross poopy diaper and not even bat an eyelash. Or you know, gag. Let's include puke there too. No biggy.

4. Farts are funny again. I've even had my head farted on. No joke.

5. I do some seriously silly stuff. Think; dance like a maniac (sober), sing songs (terrible, terrible singer but again, sober), put buckets and random objects on my head in public just to make The King laugh (sober). Who could have guessed that I'd start acting like a drunk person on purpose?

6. I'm including PB on this one and I can hardly believe we do this BUT we announce when we have to go to the bathroom. And I'm talking both functions. We have to make Kingy comfortable with the potty somehow right?

"Hey Ryan, mommy has to go poopy. Yeah! I have to poopy! Where's the potty?"


I totally wish I was kidding.

PB and I even pretend to get excited for each other.

I could probably think of a few more but I'm going to stop at six because I like even numbers and because well, what's more ridiculous than announcing to your kid that you have to take a number two while your significant other cheers you on?

Yay for motherhood and poops!

Happy Tuesday friends!


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