Friday, October 11, 2013

Holy Macaroni

It has been an unbelievably busy week filled with way too much work and overtime.

I'm not well equipped to take on overtime hours and The King, and PB, and house work and anything else I like to do for fun, including zee blog.

I used to work from 8am to 11 or 12 at night, for weeks at a time and not bat an eye. No joke. Now, I can barely work until 9 and have fallen asleep on the couch every single night this week.

Which is a lovely lead-in to what happened last night...

I fell asleep in my chair around 9:30 after I finished canning applesauce, which by the way is unbelievably annoying. I spent what felt like FOREVER peeling apples and only managed two quarts. Two measly quarts that The King can eat in two weeks. I'm so over canning at the moment. I'm glad I get a break.

So anyway, I wake up in my chair around 12:30 and realize PB fell asleep on the couch too, every light in the house is on, the tv is covering the Giants debacle and the dogs are laying all over, my neck hurts and I still have my bra on. I don't know what is worse. So I take care of everything, check on Kingy and grab Buck to retire to my suite. I set Buck, or Baboo as The King so affectionally calls him, on the bed, turn around to close my closet doors, turn back and that little prick is taking a whizz all over my ridiculously comfortable looking bed.


I mean, it's bad enough you just relieved yourself on my bed but you picked the absolute worst time to do it man. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and get nice and cozy and toasty and sleep comfortably for a few more damn hours.

Instead, I found myself in the laundry room at 1am washing bedding.

He has been banished from the bedroom for at least one night. This dog has had minimal, I'm talking maybe a handful of accidents, since we've had him. How the hell do you commit the ultimate sin and take a piss on my only comfort in the house?

My life sometimes feels like a running joke.

The good news? It's Friday.

Thank you sweet baby Jesus.

My plans this weekend are to bake an apple pie with dough from scratch, cook some yummy food, clean my damn house, watch lots of football and have PB make a fire every night. The King is going to have to learn to take it easy.

Happy weekending friends!

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