Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Guess what today is?

Hump Day!! Woot Woot!

Had to, sorry.

Not surprisingly, I'm trying to teach The King to do the "Woot Woot". He's got great enthusiasm with his "Weeeeees" so I think there is potential.

I missed you all yesterday. I was running around on campus playing puppet master to some and meeting a whole bunch of brown nosers on another. Kids are funny.

I finally jumped on the bandwagon and made the switch to the new iPhone operating system. Initially I was pretty annoyed with the looks of it because let's be honest, who really likes change anyway? But it has grown on me. Make sure you update your privacy settings if you haven't already.

I was also wicked annoyed to find that my entire iTunes library was now accessible through my phone. I pretty much only download new stuff to my phone and then delete it when I'm sick of listening. It's kind of how I manage it, which is weird and very OCD. I know.

BUT that all changed yesterday when I put my phone in shuffle mode.

It was like stepping back in tiiiiiiime!!! Up popped jams from all years in high school, college, a visit to Ginger friend in the Wild Wild West and lots of mushy songs that remind me of PB.

Ginger and I were talking yesterday about how crazy it is that you can hear a song or smell something and instantly be taken back in time when it first crossed your path. Do you find that too? I was seriously on a roller coaster yesterday, taking a magic carpet ride through easily the last 10-15 years.

This will be so weird but PB still smells exactly the same and I sometimes will sneak a good whiff of him, hahaha, and be right back to when we were teenagers doing all sorts of crazy, reckless stuff. Oh, young love.

If you haven't put it in shuffle in a while, I highly suggest it. Here's some jams that popped up. I took screen shots and sent them to people who I shared the memories with and I think they got a good giggle out of it too. I also seriously question my taste in music at certain points in my life. You'll understand when you see them.

Also, thank you to everyone who told me I don't look old. I wasn't fishing for compliments at all with that last post, I just thought some of my mom friends might be feeling the same and could use a little encouragement to get spruced up.

In any case, y'all rock!


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