Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Monday

I'm almost, almost, ok with today being Monday.

I know, right?

We had such a busy weekend that today feels like a break.

I spent Friday night grocery shopping, canning and cleaning in hopes that it would free up my Saturday and Sunday. Boy was I wrong.

The King decided to start his day at 5am on both days. I've never had to spend seven straight hours entertaining him before. When 9am rolled around and he was no where near a nap I was terrified, to say the least.

But, we powered through and I got creative I guess? We did chores, played with the animals, painted pumpkins, cooked, went duck and frog "hunting", went on an adventure in the corn field, played in the mud, did some gardening, had a breakfast date and played with playdoh. I mean you name it, we did it. I pulled out all the stops.

It was unbelievably exhausting but we really had so much fun. I totally expected him to be a beast but he was totally content and happy and funny. Anyone who has a toddler or who has been around one that's tired knows that they can be ugly and whiny and cry and scream for no reason at all. There was minimal ugliness. I could hardly believe it.

In between entertaining Kingy, the rest of the weekend consisted of housewife chores, cooking a TON of food (I'll get to that later), entertaining guests and chasing dogs. The usual.

Speaking of dogs, Buck is the oddest puppy I've ever seen. He is sort of anti-social but pretty smart and scared of just about everything. If no one is playing with him, he sneaks off and sleeps in the dog house by himself. Even better, he's already figured out how to use the dog door to let himself out and had only two accidents all weekend. It's kind of a relief but he really is weird. I like him though. He and Grace are buddies. She totally needed a friend.

See below for the weekend in pictures!

When did he get so big?

Raspberry Jammmm

Up before the sun to play with the tractor I guess

Feeding his buddies

Here fishy fishy

He actually relaxed for 10 minutes and I planned our meals for the week. Both activities are RARE in our house

Plant corn you get corn: The Cookie Monster Family

Sneaking cookies off PB's plate

We take pumpkin painting seriously. Also, I should not draw faces. Ever.

PB's haul

I mean.

This guy ate more lobster than  I did. This is his "Champion" pose.

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!


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