Friday, September 13, 2013

And so it is


There is pretty much nothing that can spoil my day when Friday rolls around. Holla!

Although, I did have an awful, scary, nightmare last night that The King was kidnapped. He disappeared out of my car and we found him, hours later in the weeds, by a railroad track, covered in mud and dirt. I don't know if he was actually kidnapped, I woke up to soon, but the thought of losing my bug was pretty darn awful.

Speaking of Kingy, I do have to say that he is pretty awesome lately. In the long list of things he can do these days, besides keep me up all night; walk backwards, pretend to laugh or cough, covers his mouth to cough, signs please, "says" thank you, quack like a duck, recognize colors, tell me yes or no if he wants something (thank you sweet baby Jesus), sing, shoots birds (pretend), dance, give hugs and smooches and probably the sweetest thing he does lately is he pat the chair next to him when he wants to eat a meal with me and then he puts his hand on my lap and eats all of my food.

Be still my heart.

I will say that having a toddler is challenging but for us, it's really so much better than a baby in a lot of ways. I love babies but they are difficult. He's finally starting to talk and communicate with purpose which is awesome. He was talking to me the other day and looking straight into my eyes and I really felt like I had a child, like a real person, not just a baby anymore. It was a total connection, different from any other time. It was cool but also really sad.

It's been on my mind lately how much he's developing and changing. It really does happen so fast. He does something new and amazing every day. I think what I love most is how much he loves and emulates PB. His face seriously lights up when he sees him. If PB is doing something, Kingy has to be right in the way, doing the same. The other day he "helped" take out the trash and on any given day, Kingy will walk around the house and fix things for me. It's the cutest.

It also makes me a little jealous but I'm happier for them more than jealous...sorta.

And I just realized I wrote three paragraphs about my kid.

Sorry about that. Got a little hung up in the moment.

So what's on your agenda this weekend?

I'm hoping to knock a few things off the bucket list.

I might bake pumpkin stuff until I simply cannot bake or eat pumpkin anymore. PB needs some cookies too. He's asked for some every night this week. I also need to clean my house in a bad way and there's likely going to be a hay ride and a pumpkin patch visit thrown in there for good measure. Possibly, pumpkin beer and football as well.

In summary, a lot of pumpkins are in our future.

Here's the recipe I might try.

Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls - Smitten Kitchen

The recipe is way to long to post and I find a lot of good stuff on that website anyway so you should check it out.

I also need to comb through my new Family Flavor cookbook and make something good. I made an awful dinner last night so I really need to redeem myself. The faster I make something good, the quicker PB forgets about incidents like the Quesadillas de Camarones.

Hope you have lots of fun stuff on tap for the weekend!


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