Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Failure and Starting New

Soooooo I really, really hate to say this but I failed.

I did not meet my 40 miles in August goal and I did not finish my bucket list.

I could give about 8,000 excuses for why I didn't run 40 but at the end of the day it comes down to one thing; I didn't put running and taking care of myself on the priority list so it didn't get done. The end.

But there's good news.

September is a new month!!!!

I don't know how I'm going to do it but I'm going to set my sights a little lower and aim for 30 miles in September. Not because I don't think I can run 40 but because I don't know when I'll do it. With the ending of summer, the sun has decided to sleep in and it's still dark at 6am, which would only give me 15 minutes to run before PB leaves for work. Our road is pretty dangerous and it's kind of a death trap anyway.

So 30 miles in September is going to be hard as hell but I'm going to try super hard.

And I would like to say that even though I didn't make 40, I did run 27ish and I feel really good about that. Especially considering I hadn't run a single mile since before The King, which is like, 2011ish people. Each week I ran a little farther and a little faster and that is awesome.

The bucket list. I didn't read a book. We didn't fish because PB said there was nothing to catch and too many weeds. I did try though. Wedding planning. Whatever.

With a new season comes new bucket lists people!!!!

1. Run run run
2. Read a book - for real dude.
3. Lots and lots of football
4. Pumpkin patches
5. Apple picking
6. Hay rides
7. Paint my hallway - it's such an ugly powder blue color
8. Pumpkin everything - muffins, pies, coffee etc etc
9. Prep next years garden space
10. Take my hunter safety course
11. Shoot a bigger buck than PB - this one is probably even more of a stretch goal than the 30 miles. Ha!
12. Try and talk PB into taking me salmon fishing. In 12 years, he's never made it happen.
13. Boots and scarves. Erry day.
14. I'll come up with this one eventually but I can't end on an odd number.

What's on your bucket list??


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