Monday, September 16, 2013

If The King could talk

He'd say "I think my mom's gone crazy"

We got a puppy.

I know, I know. I am a glutton for punishment. But look at him. And then look at this.

It makes sense now, right?

Ever since our Lou-diggity passed away, we've been kind of throwing around the idea of another dog. The further away we got from the day we put her down, the more I agreed.

The main reason is that Gracie has been pretty damn lonely. She's taken to wandering the streets and fields to hang out with neighbor dogs. Which is a huge problem and sort of sad. We've even gone so far as borrowing PB's brothers dog for a week or two to keep her company.

So we thought, what the hell? I guess? I don't know. The thing is, I don't sleep anyway. I'm up every night at least twice so adding a puppy to the mix isn't too much trouble for me. I just walk across the house and let him out. No big deal.

We're still tossing around ideas for a name but the winner so far is "Buck". Naming a dog is about as challenging as naming a human. Inneresting.

Right now he's in the newborn stage. He doesn't know where the hell he is or where his mama is so he's pretty calm. I imagine in another day or two he'll be a raging lunatic and chewing everything in site. For now, I'm going to pretend we have a calm puppy and continue to ignore the anxiety I have over the amount of shoes and possessions I'm about to lose to a teething pup.

And Kingy is smitten. It is probably the world's cutest thing, babies and puppies.

The rest of our weekend was spent just as I'd hoped. We hit up the pumpkin patch, watched plenty of football, I baked some pecan bars for PB, more canning and labeling, had some awesome grub, I cleaned, PB and Grandpa worked on the roof, Nanny and Uncle Drew were over too and most importantly...


That makes me 2-0

Suck it boys!

I really wanted to rub it in this morning but it's totally a fluke. I'm just going to pretend I'm a bad ass on the internet though.

Here's the weekend in pictures.

He's suddenly a man?

Nanny and Kingy were ripping around the kitchen in the wagon clearly labeled "Not for Children". They are hilarious.

Tractors. Of course.

More applesauce and jam to go and then I'm DONE.

Morning snuggles. Ridiculous.

Hope everyone had a perfect weekend!


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