Wednesday, September 18, 2013


My plan to get up early was foiled by The King this morning.

He woke up at 5:15, right when my alarm went off, that he cannot hear from his bed and would not go back to sleep.

How does he know?

We managed to get everything accomplished, sans chicken poop, this morning anyway so I'm happy about that. I still have a laundry list of things I need to get done tonight and know that there are just not enough hours in the day. I think I need to stay up later and crank through stuff since Ole Kingy is on to my wake up early plans.

Also, a big giant "F" goes to Billy Currington for officially putting out the worst album I have ever purchased in my entire life.

It's like a mix of elevator music, Taylor Swift, hotel lobby music, R&B and country thrown in for good measure. The lyrics are terrible, somewhat insulting at times, and it's just all wrong. It's so bad, I'm deleting it from my phone as soon as I give you the play by play of how bad it is. What a waste of $9.99.

Here you go.

1. Hey Girl - This one has been on the radio for a few weeks and I actually don't mind it. It's ok.
2. Wingman - This is just plain insulting and really just, bad taste. It's all about how his buddy is supposed to be his wingman and steals his girl. And something or other about the buddy was supposed to take the grenade and him the fox and now he's stuck talking to the ugly girl who can't catch a  hint. Yes, this probably happens in real life, whatever, but it's the first song I listened to and it really put a bad taste in my mouth. And it's lame. Aren't you old dude?
3. One Way Ticket - Hotel lobby music, in Cancun or something? I didn't even finish listening to it.
4. 23 Degrees and South - Again didn't even finish this one. This is another lame beachside bar song.
5. We Are Tonight - This sounds like a Taylor Swift anthem song to me. You are too old and you have a penis. Leave this to Taylor or that other guy, what's his name? He's like the Justin Bieber of country. I can't think of it. I'm too tired.
6. Hard To Be a Hippie - The only saving grace of this song is Willie Nelson
7. Closer Tonight - This one is ok, just ok. If someone forced me to pick a song out of the 10 that I semi-like, maybe this one would win. I don't know though. It might be a stretch.
8. Another Day Without You - John Mayer. Cheese. They might play this song in a furniture store without the lyrics. Or maybe the grocery store as background music.
9. Banana Pancakes - This made me want to throw my phone across the room. Way to ruin a great song dude.
10. Hallelujah - And to round out the awful of the entire album we have this song. What the shit is this? "God made Grandma, she made pie. Taste so good, it bring a tear to your eye". I'm not even kidding. I couldn't make this stuff up.

I mean, half glass full, I guess good for Billy for trying something new?

I can't imagine any of these songs will make the radio but then again, country music is going straight down the shitter anyway so they probably love the whole thing.

I may never buy another album again.

Chris Young and Justin Moore are on the chopping block next.

Happy Hump Day!

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