Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Country Music

I have a bone to pick with you.

As I was purusing my iTunes store last night for new country jams I noticed pretty quickly that times they are a changin.

First, I didn't spend $20, $30, $40 on new music, which is huge for me. But the reason whyyyyy I didn't spend my monthly allowance on good jams is because I couldn't find a single song or artist I liked. It was all terrible!! I certainly am not a musician or a song writer but I know a good song when I hear it and I didn't hear a single one last night.

I don't know if this is a result of the rising popularity in country music but the whole genre has seriously changed. Suddently everyone wants to be a country singer and they're singing stupid songs about dancing in headlights and "having a wild streak a country mile wide".

In case y'all didn't know, we've heard that, like, 8 million times already. Say it differently at least! Or name your song something unique. Try to be different for heavens sake!

The lyrics are all rhymy, first grade poem-ish and just plain boring and dumb. They don't evoke any kind of emotion, nostalgia or connection. There's no story anymore. They just repeat the word "yeah" 30 times over and never really say a damn thing.

Don't get me wrong, I like the occasional stupid song that just makes you dance and has no substance but I don't like all of my music that way.

And yes, yes, I know the hang up with country music: all the songs are about guns and dogs and trucks and heartbreak. Fine. In some way, maybe they are but the old stuff was a story that was played out in a song. It cleared out cobwebs in your memory and brought back the feeling of being 17 and driving around with your boyfriend, getting "stuck" in the snow and mud, not making it home by curfew.

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

Get your act together people. Quit trying to make a quick buck. Start making some music that's going to last a hot second. The kind that resonates with people and makes them feel good after they hear it. I want my old country music back.

This makes me want to puke.

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