Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Workin on my fitness

Well, I did it.

After 29 days, literally 29 days, of setting my alarm at 5am and telling myself tomorrow is the day I'm going to start running and then hitting the alarm so I could get an extra 30 minutes of sleep, I did it. I ran.

You know that feeling when you haven't exercised in a while and the first three steps you say to yourself "sweet mother of pearl, I am friggen jiggly as shit. When the hell did this happen?!"

Yeah, that was me this morning. With every step and pounding of the pavement I could literally feel my saddle bags begging for mercy and my thighs clapping together cheering me on. How disgusting is that?

I seriously haven't run since before I moved to NYC, which means, before I had The King, which is literally, two years ago.

Oh my word.

But you know what, I cranked out a short mile, uphill both ways mind you, and walked another 1/2 home and called it a morning.

...Then I broke out in hives and thought my lungs might burst.

It hurt so good though. I can already feel the burn.

It's amazing what a little 20 minute-ish workout can do for your body and mind. I didn't do anything mind-blowingly difficult but I already feel great and it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be to get up and get going.

So my goal with this post is to hold myself accountable because I'd at least like to do this three times a week. I think that's realistic. I might even set a target goal of 30 miles for next month and maybe even sign up for a 5k in my hood at the end of September. If you've been to my hood, you know how ridiculously hilly it is and how hard it will be. If you haven't, know that it's like the Rocky Mountains and a 5k will feel like a marathon for me.

I also thought maybe I'd inspire some of you to wake up a few minutes earlier, strap on your shoes (mine are older than my house by the way, so you can't use that as an excuse) and get your booty movin! I downloaded the Nike run app to track my progress, look me up if you want to share!

Big thanks to all of my lady friends out there who share their daily exercise routines and totally guilted me into getting back on the horse. Hopefully my legs will look like yours some day!


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