Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Morning mayhem

My mornings are starting to get a little out of hand.

They typically look a little something like this.

shower, make lunches, clean up, quickly get ready, wake up The King, get him ready, make him breakfast, change a few diapers because he's into taking a morning poo lately, chase dogs, chase chickens, wrangle The King, feed chickens, change clothes because the wild animals and child without fail manage to get me dirty, rush out of the house with no breakfast, drop off Kingy, arrive to work barely on time. Chug coffee.

It's starting to become a joke.

This morning while I was watering/trying to save my dead flowers, Grace, the lab with endless amounts of energy and no brains, was so happy to see me she body slammed me.

Fine. She's not big enough to take me out and I know I'm her favorite person so I've come to accept it.

Except this morning, she decided to go for a little swim and was covered in mud and soaking wet.

Insert curse words.

Vinny, our house guest, almost followed suit but I dodged him and ran back inside before he could get me. I managed to salvage my pants with a wet towel but realized when I arrived at work my shirt has smudged banana all over it.


Three chickens were loose and helping themselves to the garden.

Oh no they didn't.

The King was a whining beast. I think he caught my cold. Which just makes everything so much easier and enjoyable in the morning.

And I haven't eaten because I didn't even have time to throw a bagel in the toaster.

So right now I have a scowl on my mug, banana on my shirt and a completely scattered brain. And I'm wicked freakin hungry. Hopefully I have a close to expired yogurt waiting for me in the work fridge.

Here's to hoping things turn around, quickly.

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