Thursday, June 13, 2013

Taking a break

I'm doing so much work in excel today that I think my eyes may start to bleed.

Sounds enjoyable, right?

I found out yesterday that I suck at my job.

I'm only slightly exaggerating. 

I don't suck at all of it, just the data analytics part. And what I mean by data analytics is copying and pasting 8,000 different cells into different workbooks. Something a third grader could do. You try doing that for 8 hours straight and tell me you don't make a mistake. 

I'd call bullshit.

I've never had to take such blunt criticism like that at work before so I was all sorts of weird. I owned it, of course, and apologized. I was pretty disappointed because it was true, I made some mistakes that were pretty damn stupid.

The best part is that normally I would dwell on something like that, and I almost did but then I didn't. I'm not saving babies and I'm certainly not finding the cure for cancer. Nothing catastrophic happened as a result of my messing up a formula in excel.

And also, I just don't give a flying fuck anymore.

Fuck is the appropriate word there, sorry.

So they can suck a D, take this excel nonsense and send it right over to India like everyone else who has mind numbing work to be done. I care zero.

This has totally become just a job which is unfortunate because I've worked really hard to make a name for myself. But I guess that's life. I got bigger fish to fry now and let me tell you what, it feels pretty damn good to honestly be able to say that after a few solid months of being pissed right off about the whole situation.

I don't know what the point of this post was, other than to bitch? Tell you people I messed something up? We're all human? We all make mistakes. Get over it?

I don't know. I guess I had to get that off my chest. I feel much better now. Thanks.

Here's some good tunes.

Back to work. 

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