Monday, July 21, 2014

Yo Yo YOoooo

Happy Monday peeps!

Hope you had a good weekend and you know, last week was great too. Seeing how I didn't post at all. Things be happenin round these parts.

Over the weekend I took a little road trip to see my college girlfriends and awesome enough, got to spend time with one of their parents too. They are family and I love them dearly. Honestly, her mother could quite possibly be the sweetest woman I know.

Oh, and she can cook.

I ate a lot this weekend.

Have you ever had pizza on the grill?

It's pretty much the best thing ever. As a side note, I may or may not have had pizza for three days in a row last week. So that's something to be proud of.

Here's a recipe thats similar to the Pauley's. You can obviously use any kind of topping your little heart desires. We had a few different kinds. Even better, you can make big pizzas or make it a party and everyone can make their own.

And as I was browsing through my IG this morning, I came across a Panzanella recipe by who else, Pioneer Woman. Here's all she said:

"Dried bread cubes, tomatoes, red onions, cucumbers, red wine vinaigrette, parmesan, basil, salt and pepper, toss and let sit for an hour" or you could try this more complicated recipe

Either way, this is on my immediate to do list. Possibly this evening.

In other news, the yard has come alive!!! We are busy busy busy freezing and canning lately. I love it. Although, I am starting to feel like there are just not enough hours in the day. I am considering taking a few days off when my tomatoes turn red. I have 22 plants. No joke. Twenty-two tomato plants.

So here's what's growing, in case you're curious.

snap peas
purple beans
green beans
hot banana peppers
green, red and orange bell peppers

and I'm almost positive I'm missing something but yeah, I think might be able to reach my goal of 25%. I think, thats what it was anyway.

I might also be insane for planting so much.

Oh, and no chicks hatched. Boooooooo. I don't think the eggs were fertilized or perhaps it had something to do with Bugsy turning the incubator up to 120 degrees.

So that's that.

Keep on keepin on and if anyone has any yummy recipes to share send em my way!


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