Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sparkly Green Earrings

Where's the coffee?

I stayed up too late reading a book last night. 

It's totally biting me in the ass this morning because The King has been a maniac with sleep lately and last night was one of his bad nights. He was up at 12, 3 and 5:30 for the day. Awesome. As soon as I get him figured out, he pulls a Grace on me and totally messes with my head. 

I think they're in cahoots. 

I'll save that for another post.

Back to the book.

So I've been following this blog, Big Mama, for a while now. I definitely recommend checking her out if you don't already. She's ridiculously funny, relatable and not trying to sell me tons of shit, which I appreciate. 

(Don't get so wrapped up in her blog that you don't read mine though. That would be uncool.)

Well Big Mama recently released a book called Sparkly Green Earrings and being that I love Big Mama's blog so much, I bought it the day it was released. You can buy it just about anywhere but I bought it through iBooks on my iPad because it was easy and I like instant gratification.

And let me tell you what, I'm not a single bit disappointed y'all.

(Someday y'all will work for me, I just know it.)

The book is based on her victories and defeats as a new mama, navigating all that is crazy in raising a child and how she keeps with her faith through it all. I should say that it's not a preachy book. You know those people who are way over the top with religion and throw it in your face every opportunity they get? She is not one of those women. I never feel as though she's pushing God or an agenda. She is subtle and makes you think about your own beliefs which I am totally ok with.

And as I mentioned, she is funny. Hilarious, really. I was totally the weird kid last night, cuddled up on the couch, loudly giggling over her stories. I think our babysitter may find me to be a bit insane.

I'm only about half way through the book at this point but it's so good that I had to share it and encourage you to pick up a copy. I'm pretty sure anyone with a vagina will enjoy it, mama or not. It's on the NY Times bestseller list which has to mean something. 

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

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