Friday, March 7, 2014

Note to self

Bringing munchkins to daycare for The King to share is not, and never will be, a good idea.

Good Lord. 

Alright, my logic was spot on but execution, not so much.

Here I am thinking its Friday, the end of a very long week, everyone could use some Dunkin Donuts. Even the almost two year olds. I purposely did not pick out the jelly ones to eliminate a massive mess. I was thinking hard about this people!

I should have known when Kingy said that he did not want to share with his friends that this was not going to go well...

So we stroll into the building, with Kingy proudly displaying his box of munchkins. We get to the room and only one teacher is there, Kingy's favorite Miss Edy, and there are six other kids. Perfect! I brought 25 donut holes.

I set Kingy down to go hand Miss Edy his munchkins and that's when all hell breaks loose.

I'm guessing he thought by handing them to Miss Edy to pass out, he was losing them forever because he took two steps in her direction, wheeled around, yelled "NO!" and then promptly threw the entire box on the ground.


When he realized that half of them spilled onto the ground and that I was then going to throw them out, he took the definition of hell to another level.

I'm talking screaming "MUNKINS MUNKINS", big huge enormous tears, rolling on the floor, pulling my pant leg screaming for me to stop!!!!!!

The stuff mom nightmares are made of.

And not to mention, everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and just stared at us.

You wouldn't think stares from two year olds would make you feel shame and embarrassment but they sure did. Two teachers even popped there head in to see if things were ok.

Oh yes. We're ok. I'm just trying to wrangle in my almost two year old who thinks wasted munchkins and the lack of instant gratification are the end of the world as we all know it.

So out we go into the hallway to calm the eff down because what else was I going to do? No way are you getting a munchkin when you're acting like that homeboy.

I finally get him settled down and in we go to apologize to Miss Edy.

Not happening.

After a minute or so of protest I finally let him know I've had it but I pull out the ancient mom trick of scarily and calmly whispering in his ear...

"You are making mommy angry and if you don't apologize right now to Miss Edy you are not getting a single munchkin and you will be in big trouble tonight Ryan Christopher"


"Sowwy Edy"

And all is right with the world.

I leave the building as fast as I can because I'm now late and semi, ok totally embarrassed. Get in the car and immediately text Miss Edy

"SO SORRY!!! I promise I will never ever bring munchkins again!"

And you bet your sweet ass I won't.

I get it. I understand why he acted that way. He's little and didn't understand he had to wait two minutes but he would still get some yummy donuts if he did. It was poor execution on my part but to be fair, I offered him a donut in the car that he turned down. I hope he at least sort of learned that throwing a massive fit is not how you get what you want.

And I learned to always, always buy your own coffee and donut so you can properly eat your feelings in the car.

Happy Friday friends


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