Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Desert or Dessert?

Hola friends!

Things are sunny and significantly warmer out here in cactus land. I've never been to Arizona but I can tell you it is a beautiful place. It's actually just as you'd imagine.

Also, slightly terrifying.

Can you say scorpion? Or perhaps, rattlesnake? How about cactus, cacti, or sharp blunt plants?

I'm not going to lie, as soon as I set foot in my hotel room I wondered if I should be checking for scorpions in my sheets or something. So stereotypical and a total scene out of a movie, right?

I actually felt kind of stupid after I realized what I was thinking and then subsequently checked every corner in the room but I have no idea where those critters could be hiding!

Oddly enough, I am also not a fan of sleeping with said critters so you see my logic with this one. Stupid or not, how could I not look?

After meeting with friends last night and grilling them about the awful things I might encounter while running, I'm happy to report the deadliest scorpions are translucent or something so I won't even see it coming if Karma decides to get all up in my business and bite my ass.

Whether or not that is true, I have no idea but it's enough to make me not go wandering onto paths less traveled. Or to skip that run altogether and keep my flabby bum in my scorpion free bed.

Ain't nobody got time for venomous creepy stuff.

Also, I realize that a cactus is sharp and what not, but riddle me this; why do I have an overwhelming urge to touch one? I feel like a two year old that's just been told not to pick my nose. ALL I want to do is pick my nose.

Speaking of trips, they are kind of bittersweet these days.

On one hand, I get to see my colleagues, who luckily, are also very good friends. I usually get to go to cool places or cities I have never been. Eat really good food. And sometimes even have a chance to catch up with real friends outside of work that live in those cities. All kinds of winning there.

On the other, I have to be away from my boys and it totally sucks. I miss my dudes somethin awful.

I checked in with The King this morning and he happily yelled "HI MOMMY!!!!!!!" and waved like a wild man, totally stoked to see me. He then proceeded to run around the room and hold up random objects for me to see for the next five minutes, wrapping things up with "meeeeessssssss you" and a smooch.



Here I am complaining about free trips around the country and being able to check in with my family by live video when most people don't get to see half of these places or even have internet. Maybe not even food.

Such a first world problem right?

Feel free to kick me in the face Karma.

Anyway, here's some pics from the last few days. I didn't have time over the weekend to make any goodies because time sort of got away from me. I also realized I need to get into a wedding dress come June so maybe I should lay off the sweets.


Who am I kidding?

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