Friday, August 22, 2014

Old Man Beanbags

Oh, hey.

Haven't been on here in a while. Guess you're wondering why?


1. I'm pregnant. I have been sick. So freaking nauseous since day one and just wanting to sleep all day which means I have zero ambition. It's starting to let up but I still have periods during the day that make me want to punch someone. It could be worse, right?

I hate that saying.

Thanks for all the well wishes peeps. It'll be all good. 

2. I got a new job!!! It's awesome and exactly perfect for me, minus the little bit more of travel. 

Except I'm still doing my old job so you know, that's two jobs. So, there's that.

3. Remember that massive garden we planted? Yeah, it was doing really well so I was struggling to keep up with the canning. Because, pregnancy. I mean, I have a full cupboard but I should have, like two, except that whole pregnancy thing and we apparently have white mold that has destroyed everything. I think we're officially done-zo.

If you're wondering whether or not we'll have a garden next year, let's just say, it'll be a fraction of the size and there will be minimal canning involved.

Strugg city.

4. Well, ma dukes has breast cancer so that's you know, awesome. She should be just fine, so long as things haven't spread. She'll come out on the other side of it with two new boobies and a new hairdo so #fuckcancer

But really, it could totally be worse in this case and I'm glad it's not. Everything will be just peachy.

I also made her a fuck cancer cake. It was awesome.

 Pioneer Woman Strawberry Shortcake Cake

5. Life.

So that's that. I have no idea if I'll be able to post here over the next few months. I'll do my derndest but I'm having trouble staying on top of laundry, dishes, and today, bathing. It probably won't be good but just know that I love you all.

The end.

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