Monday, July 28, 2014

The answer is always, ice cream

Monday, monday.

You are somethin else.

How was your weekend, frands?

We were busy but I don't really remember a whole heck of lot of the busy stuff. A lot of canning, a lot of picking, building, friends, dates with the boys, playing, hanging and some napping. All in all, solid.

I read that book, The Fault in Our Stars this weekend too. I mean. Have you read it? I'm still sad about it but I loved it. It's a very quick read, very easy to connect with the characters and you'll likely find yourself crying in the end. I may read it again. I definitely recommend it.

I haven't read a book for me in a long time. I realized very quickly yesterday morning that I need to be careful what I choose because I am one of those people that gets totally wrapped up in the story and connected to the characters and I always find myself in "recovery" after finishing a book. Like, somehow, everything that happened to the characters happened to me and I have to process those feelings when in fact, nothing is really wrong in my real life at all.

I'm so weird.

And that was a wicked long paragraph.

In other news, I just ate a fairly large bowl of ice cream with bananas and crackers. It hit the spot. I almost made cookies and realized that might be aggressive.

The perks of working for home are excellent for my wallet, not so great for my waist.

But truth be told, I needed it because today is one of those days thats just kind of ugly. Gray and raining. Bugsy ugly cried when I dropped him off this morning. It's not so warm, at all. It feels more like fall than summer. In fact, most of this summer hasn't really felt like summer. It's been a lot cooler than prior years, which is great on most days but makes me really nervous for my tomato plants.

Everything is just ugly today.

Speaking of tomatoes, they've stalled at green again. This is the second or third week of zero progress.

If anyone knows what to do with 20 plants full of green tomatoes, I will be forever grateful for your guidance and wisdom.


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