Monday, January 27, 2014

Rainbows, butterflies and magical unicorns

Except, not so much.

Well, where to begin?

I haven't been posting as frequently for fear of sounding whiny and bitchy because that's how I feel but, who really wants to hear that?

So, I'll leave you with a few random thangs this morning and I'll do my best to keep them short and without whine but I can't promise anything. 

1. Target has finally jumped on the organic bandwagon. Can a sister get an Amen?! The grocery section was full of organic goodies yesterday and I was so stoked. It's seriously the little things. I'll admit, they are slacking in a few areas but I bet it will come with time. Once they realize that no one really wants all the fake crap they'll start stocking up on the goods. 

2. Constipation is a bitch. Especially when you're 20 months old.

3. When you become a mom, talking to your other mom friends about poop, the color, consistency, frequency and smell is totally normal. Talking about poop to people that don't have kids is totally not. 

4. I actually went out of my way to go to the grocery store alone the other night just to get a 30 minute break. And it was glorious. I highly suggest it.

5. I am officially living with three boys and three dogs and I couldn't be more terrified. 

6. Toddlers are seriously 10,000 times harder than a baby. I don't know what I was thinking getting excited about this shiz. Granted, they can be seriously silly and fun and easy at times but right now, we are having a battle royale in our house and I have no idea what to do about it. 

Take this morning for example.

Ole Kingy wanted yogurt, blueberries and granola for breakfast. 

No problem homie, coming right up! 

Wrong, ma. I want all that but I don't want you to put me down to get it. And when you do, I'm going to freak the eff out and throw a massive fit. Then you'll pick me back up to "help" you and once "we're" finished I'll refuse to eat it. Then I'll continue to yell "NO", push my bowl across the counter and swing at you until you send me to my room where I'll then bang my head on my bed and cry out for you and yell "EAT PEEEEZE."

Then you'll come back, pick me up and I'll sweetly tell you "thank you" which really means "sorry" and say that I want to eat and demand to look in the fridge for something else. When I finally settle on "peebee zoast". You will get it, thinking I'm happy but I'm not. I'll just throw another massive fit. 


This went on and on for about 40 minutes until finally, I yelled to cut the shit and he did. I hate yelling but I tried everything. 

Timeout and ignoring him does not work. Calmly talking and explaining, does not work. Pretending to eat his breakfast and saying it's yummy, does not work. Pretending his favorite stuffed animal is eating and loves it, does not work. NOTHING WORKS.

I literally gave him everything he wanted and then he turned around and didn't want it. I know this is a battle of wills and stubbornness but I am so unbelievably over it. 

The kid throws fits IN HIS SLEEP.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know because I'm about to move his bed to the chicken coop.

So that wasn't short at all but that's what's happening these days. 

Fun, eh?

Looks can be deceiving. The weekend in pics. 


We were planning to move this walker to the attic but Kingy thinks it's his car

Just trying to catch his new fish

New dance moves

Morning stuff
This was a cute break between all of the madness this morning.

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