Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Nothing to see here

Has anyone else noticed that we are almost through the month of January?

Umm, yes!

The absolute longest, most miserable, coldest month of all is about to be history.

Thank you sweet baby Jesus.

It's usually around this time that I get hit pretty hard with the winter blues. Does anyone else feel wicked depressed around this time? I'm usually a rotten beyotch but not this year baby!

It's been frigid cold, yes. But instead of being pissed off that's it's still winter, I've been focusing on the fact that our days are getting longer every single day and we really only have one more solid month of wicked cold.

Bonus, February is fast moving.

Sure, March is likely to be cold too but it could also be peppered with warm days! And we can soon start planting seeds. And I might buy a treadmill this week. And I'm going to sunny Phoenix next week. And we may or may not throw a Valentine's day party for the kiddos.

How's that for looking on the bright side?

Even better than all of that, Ole Kingy had zero freak outs last night, slept in his bed all night and was only mildly miserable this morning.

Miracles do happen.

It's totally a guessing game with him. I try lots of different things to dodge tantrums but it seems giving him options and letting him do things himself work the best, most of the time.

Like this morning, I let him use a "knife" to spread his own pee-bee and cut bananas to make his second breakfast of the morning. Homeboy already had two slices of french toast because of course mommy makes him hot breakfast every day.

Well, he happily handled it like a pro and rather than eating it himself, he excitedly exclaimed

"Mommy! Pee-bee zoast an nananas!" - King, while practically throwing his sandwich across the room at me

"For me buddy? Really?" - Mommy

"Yes! Mommy. Pee-bee zoast!" - King

Insert ten heart eye emoticons

And just like that, all of his past offenses were forgiven.

Motherhood is such a ride. I tell ya.

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