Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Justa creepin


It's been a while. I'm sorry. Still traveling but almost done. This is my last week and it's for a wedding, not work. Thank you sweet baby Jesus.

In other news, I turned 27 today.

Which means I'm creeping closer to 30.

Just in case you aren't good with math.

To be honest, I don't even really mind. I'm not reeeeally that old. Plus I cuddled in bed with The King this morning. Last year he was in my belly so this was an upgrade for sure. I had a strawberry donut for breakfast. I'm wearing my favorite work dress and I bought the new Pistol Annie's album this morning. I LOVE it. I am only a few songs in but as soon as I listen to it 15 more times I'll let you know my thoughts. I still think you should buy it right this minute though.

That was a wicked long paragraph, full of run-on sentences.

Don't care about that either because it's my birthday today and I make the rules. That's the rule.

Here's a silly picture of me and my donut. It was so delicious I needed a picture.

I am also ok with 27 because I'm considering any age ending in 7 to be my Golden Year. You've heard of those right? If the age you turn is the same as your birth day, it's your Golden Year. And since mine would have been when I was 7, which was a good year don't get me wrong, I'm going to change the rules so I have a bunch more. Brilliant, right?

Here's a bunch of random pictures from the past few weeks. I'm effing tired and can't wait for things to slooooooow down. I need to get planting!

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