Sunday, June 29, 2014

On the road again

Guess where I am?




Have I ever mentioned that I love this city? 

I love this city. 

Once upon a time, I almost moved here. It never panned out because the economy was in the shitter and then the timing was terrible because a job opened up right after I'd accepted a new one in Boston.  

Ain't that somethin?

I'm fairly certain that's just fate telling me to give it up and move on but I would move here in a heartbeat if I could. 


Anyway, I'm here!

For work. 

But I'm here!

The city has changed so much since I was here last. Downtown is much busier and crazier than I remember. We went to a burger place in east Nashville last night and it was aaaamazing. If you're planning a trip here, hit up Thr Pharmacy. 

I also realized I can't hang anymore. We weren't out drinking, just had a really late dinner and I was exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open toward the end. Weak sauce. 

Life lately is still a little bananas but I'm on the verge of a slow down and there is a small little light at the end of the tunnel beckoning me to keep moving forward. The rest of the summer should be a breeze with only a few trips here and there to see good friends which I am totally onboard with. The work trips that require weekends working and late dinners are just too much. I can't wait to get to the good stuff. 

Speaking of the good stuff, does anyone have a summer bucket list? I realized the other day that I didn't make one this year and felt sorta lame. 

So here she is!

1. Campfire and s'mores with Bugsy
2. Camping trip with ma boys
3. Gardening, gardening and more gardening (and canning)
5. Drink a ton of lemonade and grill erryday
6. Beach and fishing trips with the boys
7. Golf. I didn't golf at all last year. 
8. Spend time with friends and their babies before they grow up or go back home for the school year 
9. Drive in movie with Bugsy
10. Maybe add a few more animals to the "farm" (pretty please, PB?)

And do a whole lotta nuffin in between. 


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