Monday, June 23, 2014

Just stuff

Well, this is going to sound weird but I was an all you can eat buffet last night.

(sorry, mom)

Y'all. I am COVERED in spider bites.

Spider. Bites.

And by covered, I mean I have like six but good lord, what could have possibly gone on? Did everyone come out of hiding and decide they needed a mid-night snack?

And not to mention, they are ginormous. So that means it was big spider, right?

I hate spiders.

Needless to say, I've started packing up my belongings.



Holy hell has this month been a whirlwind!

SO the wedding was fun. It was probably just like every other wedding. Dancing, drinking, drinking, dancing, etc. It came together perfectly and I really wouldn't have changed a single thing, except maybe the dj. Yeah, the dj.

But otherwise, it was great. I don't think I was a bridezilla (don't ask my friends) and definitely didn't have expectations that things would be perfect, even though I would have liked them to be because I am Type A and a perfectionist if we're being honest. But it was good. I pretty much danced my pants off all night and wasn't even white girl wasted. Go me.

Thanks to my girlfriends and family that helped make this thing happen. I couldn't have done it without you and I can't say thank you enough.

But I can say, I am so happy it's over.

It was awesome but I'm glad it's done.

And hey, I am a Mrs.

So that's different.

But life is pretty much the exact same as it was before and I am totally onboard with that.

I had a week off after the wedding which was much needed. I spent that entire time napping, playing with Bugsy (I'll get to that later) gardening, visiting people and cleaning. It was glorious.

And I know you're wondering, with all of that vacation time why didn't that slacker post? Well, because I needed a break from life. We worked our balls off to get that thing done and I needed to just do a whole lotta nothing.

Follow that up with a work trip to Orlando after being off for almost two weeks and you could say things were hectic. This week I'm home and playing catch up but am not too overwhelmed. Until I head to Nashville on Saturday for another work conference. I'm not upset about that.

So that's that. That's what I've been doing. More fun stuff to come now that I can breathe and cook dinner and we can all go to bed at a reasonable hour.

And finally, look at how awesome our photographer is!!! You can see more pics here and I'll be sure to share more once she finishes editing. She's the bomb.

Also, her sister killed it in the hair and make up department. She also helped me a ton with decor. I pretty much borrowed, repurposed or used stuff from my house for the entire thing. It was awesome to not spend a forture on making things look pretty.

Book them both if you can. They are both so, so talented.

My absolute favorite.

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