Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Because sharing is caring.

1. Have you heard of The Skimm? You can sign up for daily emails that pretty much summarize all of the major headlines in the news. You can appear smart to your colleagues and not have to spend hours reading depressing headlines. Brilliant.

2. Well, it's official. I may need to co-sleep more than Bugsy. I spent an hour tossing and turning last night in my own bed, thinking I was doing the right thing by not going to bed in Bugsy's room. Finally, around 11:30, I said, eff this and drifted off happily with my bambino sleeping across my body with his foot in my face. I'm good. We're good. I don't know why I am beating myself up over this but maybe because we're meant to feel like it's a huge no-no. And not for nothin, everybody's doing it just no one has the balls to say it. 

3. Kingy has changed his name to Bugsy. Did I mention that? We never really called him Kingy and actually called him lots of random things until one day he declared to PB that his nickname was Bugs. So we go with Bugsy and he answers. For those of you that have been following along for a while now, I hope you are ok with change. It's inevitable.

4. Did you buy Miranda's new album yet? And if not, why the hell haven't you? It's goooooood. I'd say I like about 75% of the album and that's just because I haven't listened to the other 25% enough to get on board. Do it. Do it now.

5. Did I share that my boobs are officially A status? As in, homegirl went from a B cup to an A cup (possibly even a double A on special days?). Sad. Then I remembered I fed my babe and that the alternative is boobs that sag to my belly button and need a lift. I ain't down with surgery so I'll take that club membership to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee and go about my buidness. But clearly, I'm not over it because I still think WTF when I put on my bra every morning.

6. Edible things are growing in my garden and in approximately 17 days, I hope to have baby chickens!!!! AH!

The end.

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