Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ryan Christopher - The Comedian


I hope everyone had a wicked awesome weekend. Ours was pretty uneventful but I did get my hunting license and I scored two lamps from Target for less than $20 each. Holla! If you've ever bought a lamp, you know that's damn near impossible. So I ended things on a high note with some football and banana blueberry bread Sunday night. The rest is history.

Speaking of football, I would like to make mention of the fact that I am 4-1 in Fantasy league. What now betches?!

In other news, this morning's shenanigans easily ranks somewhere in the Top 10 list.

The King woke up full of piss and vinegar. Not in a bad way but he was a wild animal. At one point PB and I were standing there talking to him while he scarfed down some banana bread and he looked me dead in the eye, with a little smirk on his face and poked me right in the forehead. Faster than I could even blink! Then he did it three more times while PB and I stood there shaking our heads and giggling at the nonsense this kid pulls out of his hat.

It's not so much what he does. It's the facial expressions that go along with it. Like he knows he's hilarious and a mischievous maniac.

We finally got through our routine and headed out to the car. Per usual, Kingy took off ahead of me and as I looked up, I could see the wheels spinning in his head.

He spotted his favorite mud puddle and took off like a bat out of hell for it. As he neared the edge of the puddle, he stopped and looked back at me with that same smirk. That one that says "I know you don't want me to do this but I'm funny and I'm going to do it anyway and there's nothing you can do about it."

To which I yelled.


He took one step closer, with the devilish look in his eye...


And in he went. Splashing and kicking and laughing.

Then he turned around and ran right back through again.

And what did I do?


Because I mean, it's a puddle and it's only clothes. We may have a problem with listening to mommy when she says no but it was my own fault. I didn't exactly say no to him in a serious voice.

SO he's drenched, his light gray sweats are now brown and he has no shoes to wear to school. Back in we go to quickly change clothes and I have to send him in his rain boots for the day. There is no rain in the forecast. Cute.

Luckily the daycare teachers understand how crazy he is and don't look at me like I'm a bad mom when we both show up dirty, disheveled and in clothes that don't match.

I may just name him Dennis the Menace.

Where's my coffee?

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