Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Humpty Hump

Yay for Wednesday!

Although it's technically my Thursday because I'm taking Friday off, so it sucks to be all of you. Unless of course you have Friday off too, then high-five!!

The King and I are taking a little road trip this weekend to the tri-state area to see some friends and family. It should be mostly fun and partly exhausting but I am so excited!

This morning was pretty much a shit show with Kingy kicking things off for the day at 4:45am. We ate breakfast in bed and watched a bit of Pocoyo which I should mention is a really confusing show to me. I was hoping he'd let me close my eyes for five more minutes but the banana smeared on my face said otherwise.

Surprisingly, he wasn't his usual miserable, overtired self before 5am though. He was W.I.L.D. I'm talking 100mph all morning. Running around the house nonstop, falling down, rolling around with Baboo and getting into everything. Everything. At one point, he managed to spill a bowl of cereal on me while he was trying to climb up my body to sit on my head or something. I don't even know.

What I do know is that I was happy to drop him off at school this morning.

Do you remember the Happiness Journal thing I was trying to keep up with back in early spring? The one that makes you think of good things that made you happy during the day, rather than what made you want to rip someone's face off and possibly kick them in their privates?

Well, I fell off that wagon about six months ago but have been lugging the damn thing around in my work back ever since. Don't ask me why. There's also a spoon, floss, a sock and used tissue in there too. Anyway, my last entry was on April 11th when I wrote that Ginger had her baby ginger who was only 5lbs 13oz. That made me happy.

Then I flipped to today and this is what she read:

"People who enjoy silliness are more likely to feel happy"

So that must mean we are over the moon up in our house because things tend to get reeeeeeeal silly round these parts.

Sort of like when The King jumps in the shower with you, fully clothed and proceeds to play hide and seek in the shower curtain and laugh like a banshee at the hilarity of it all?

Hope your day is filled with tons of silliness.


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