Thursday, November 15, 2012

Honest Mama

I know I've said a few times that I'm cheap and that really is true in most cases. Interestingly enough, I don't care what things cost when it comes to organic food or in this case, "Green" stuff. Once upon a time, I thought about using cloth diapers...for about 30 seconds, and realized that would never work for our family. I was interested in greener diaper alternatives but never got around to finding one. I have a baby, remember?

One of my nearest and dearest friends, a gingerbread by the name of Elizabeth, introduced me to a green company last week called The Honest Company. In a nutshell, they sell and deliver, biodegradable, non-toxic, sustainable baby products. I'm talking plant based diapers with cool designs, wipes, shampoo and conditioner, laundry soap. If you need it for your nugget, you can probably find it.

I'm definitely not doing them justice with that description so take a peak at their website.

Honest Co.

Admittedly, I was a little skeptical at first but they have a "free" trial and the monthly price is pretty comparable to Pampers or Huggies (which I hate). I received my package of diapers, wipes and body wash, shampoo etc. a few days ago. The verdict...I love them. They don't seem to be stinky, they fit The King really well, they're super cute and I feel like I'm doing something good for our planet and The King's future.

We clearly ordered the boy products but the girl versions are wicked cute too!

The free trial will only cost you $6 for shipping. That's one and a half grande lattes from Starbucks people. Give it a whirl and if you hate them, you can cancel your membership. It's easy-peasy. The best part, if you love them, they automatically send you whatever it is you registered for each month. You pretty much never have to shop for that stuff again.

Guess I'll have to come up with a new excuse to go to Target...

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