Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloweenie!!!

Ah the silly holiday that celebrates all things terrifying and the over-consumption of too much candy.

Back in the day I used to love scary stuff. I watched scary movies and went to haunted houses knowing that I'd have nightmares for weeks. Ever watch The Exorcism of Emily Rose?? That shit STILL haunts me and I saw it in 2009 for pete's sake!

Oddly enough, now that I'm technically an adult, I'm more afraid of the dark than ever!! It makes absolutely no sense. As a general rule, I do not go into basements, attics or dark places. Ever. I especially hate getting up in the middle of the night to make bottles or calm The King. I love him but it scares me. I'm 99.9% sure I have ghosts in my house. Laugh all you want but they are totally hanging out in Ryan's room.

So anyway, in the spirit of creepy Halloweenie, here's a festive video to go along with Little Big Town's single "Tornado". It was released today on CMT. I don't really like the ending but no one really cares what I think so enjoy!

CMT - Tornado Video

Have fun trick or treating tonight. Just so you know, I'm willing to trade any of The King's candy for your Reeses and KitKats. Remember that?

Pandora Goodness

This song just played on my Jack Johnson station

I don't know what it means to me or if it will mean anything to you but it made me stop what I was doing. That's probably something worth sharing. 

See ya Sandy

I hope that everyone made it safely through Sandy's unwelcome visit. The coverage on the news has been absolutely terrifying and so, so sad. Matt's on his way down there to start the process of restoring power.  I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Take care of each other.

Monday, October 29, 2012

I knew Sandy in high school...

She hasn't changed a bit.

I hope everyone is prepared. Stay safe and don't be silly.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Night Train. Sh*t!

I told myself I wasn't going to buy Jason Aldean's new album after I heard the news of his scummy make out session in Cali. I was/am pretty mad at him. What kind of guy cheats on his wife, who happens to be his high school sweetheart, who he also has kids with? Oh yeah. Probably lots of guys.

That's another post.

So before cheater cheater pumpkin eater pulled his little stunt, I pre-ordered the album, Night Train. I was just too damn excited and with The King running my life, there are days that I barely remember to brush my teeth. How the hell was I going to remember to buy it in a month?

Well I completely forgot that I did this and much to my surprise, it magically appeared on my phone. I was totally prepared to hate him for life but I'm weak. So, so weak. Once it was in my hand the protest lasted a whole five seconds. It was too hard not to push play.

The verdict...I love it. I'm talking, already know all the words to every song, love it. Damn you Jason Cheater Aldean!!!

I will admit that it is a bit similar to his previous albums in that it's got a lot of moody, ballad, rockin guitar type tracks. He also has a few shake your groove thang tunes too, which have definitely been lacking in the past.

Even though I hate him, sorta, I wanted to share my favorites with you. It would be selfish of me to withhold toe tapping tunes.

In no particular order:
1. When She Says Baby - "some days its tough just gettin up, throwin on these boots and makin that climb" Matt wears boots and climbs all sorts of crazy shit every day so i'm pretending he dedicates this one to me.
2. Feel That Again - nostalgia.
3. The Only Way I know - Luke Bryan and Eric Church pop up outta nowhere on this one. I wanted a longer verse from them but whatever, I'll take it.
4. Take a Little Ride - We have chevy's so it just makes sense. Makes me want to ride in the middle of Matt's truck and wear short shorts. Don't ask. I don't know.
5. 1994 - this one is just too silly not to like it.
6. Staring at the Sun - this is one of those songs you wish someone would say "it reminds me of you" and plant a big kiss on your forehead. Love.
7. Water Tower - home.

Nearly the whole album. Told ya it's good.

Onto Red.

My heart is full

The King was so stinkin happy to see Papa Bear. Love this.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


If I had a tail I'd be wagging the shit out of it right now.

Matt is finally coming home from a looong trip to California for work. I am so excited that I might have tinkled my pants a bit when he told me. This means a lot of awesome things, most importantly:

1. I don't have to stack the wood that's being delivered this weekend. Score.
2. I can make him cook dinner. No more frozen lean cuisines.
3. I will actually have someone to talk to every day, whether he likes it or not.
4. Mama's gettin the itch, if you know what I mean. Real score. Ha!
5. Dad's home. Ryan told me he missed him and was sick of hanging with me. He needs man time too, ya know? I can't say I blame him. Maybe he'll sleep? Yeah, right.

Maybe this will help?

Dear Ryan,

I will buy you a brand new truck, four-wheeler and shotgun when you turn 16 if you promise to start sleeping through the night again. 

Love always,
Mama Bear

Worth a shot right?

Oooooo sweet child of miiiiine...


I don't know what is going on in my house but suddenly the little bugger refuses to sleep. We were up at 11, 2, 4, and up at 6:30 for the day! This is the third night of operation "keep mom up all night". I woke up at 4am singing "all niiiiight long" by Lionel and accepted the fact that I wasn't going to get any shut eye.

I wish I was kidding. What gives Ryan? Are you mad I went back to work? Do you really want to snuggle with me that badly? Fine! Sleep in my bed. I love you, it's ok.

It is really hard to be mad at him when he's this cute in the morning...

Not that I could be mad at a baby but really bud, I can't function on two hour sleep increments. I spilled coffee on myself three times on my way to work. I have a travel mug, who does that?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today is one of those days that you wake up, look out the window and go back to bed. Unless you have to work...then you curse your student loans, drag your feet out the door, jump in the car and play some tunes to lift the fog. Or pout, pick your poison.

This is the ugliness I'm dealing with again today....

In a desperate act to save the day that really hadn't started, I chose the first option and blasted the volume to this little doozy on my way in. I do what Luke Bryan says and I suggest you do too.

(thanks again for the video youtube, such a lifesaver)

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yes, I know I keep changing things...

but I started the blog last night and I was too tired to play around! Now I can't stop...

I also wanted to share some pictures of our little family. First, a picture of The King, Ryan Christopher. We call him the king because that's what his name means and well quite honestly, he runs our house. I don't mind, he's cute.

Below you'll find Matty, the man that gave me this beautiful little nugget. I keep him around because I want another one some day. Just kidding. I actually like him a lot. He takes good care of us.

Here's my pup. She was a gift from Matt in highschool...which makes her almost 12. Ouch. It's sad watching dogs and parents get old. I pretend she's a puppy.

Morning commute jams

It's my second week back at work. Sigh. Work is work but I'm feeling a little selfish...I am especially enjoying that I can listen to real music in the car again! No more Jewel lullabies for this lady.

Anyway, I wanted to share a song I heard this morning on The Highway station; Little Big Town Tornado. They killed it with Pontoon this summer so I'm not surprised by more awesomeness from them. I found myself bobbing my head like a goon and tapping my feet to this one. I'd say thats pretty impressive considering I drive a stick...Enjoy!

I don't know internet rules yet so I'll just put it out there that I googled the song and found it on youtube. That oughta cover me right? 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Hey Y'aaaaaaall!

I wish I actually spoke the word "ya'll" in my daily life. I often think I'd like to use it in conversation and I always chicken out. I live in the Northeast, who am I kidding?

For the past few years I've been thinking, and selectively saying to some close friends, that I'd like to start a blog. I think I'm funny and I think other people think I'm funny, so what the hell? Well I never did it because I didn't think I had anything to say. Duh. Now I've got a whole bunch of new stuff happening and I thought now is as good a time as any.

SO after another week of mulling it over and a long hot shower this evening, I am writing to you. Finally. Here's the quick and dirty of my eight year journey to blog-dome.

Raised in a small town.
Date stud senior boy.
Left said town for big city dreams.
Crash into big city and college with small town antics and thinking. 
Raise eyebrows, make great friends.
Get big city job, stay in big city after graduation.
Hate big city. Dream of small town life.
Date on and off with hs "sweetheart"...aka "pain in my giant ass"
Dream of moving south.
Move to even bigger city for job opportunity.
Keep dreaming of moving south.
Get knocked up with "pain in the ass" (love you!)
Forget south - sorta. Forget big city, realize I never really liked it.
Have sweet, sweet baby boy.
Move back north to a different small town but close enough to original small town.
Raise baby with "pain in the ass" (really love you!)
Love life.
Write blog.

Bless your heart if you've made it this far...I mean that in the good way too.

Oh to be southern...

My only goal for this blog is to share the nonsensical events in my life, crafty projects I create (or recreate from pinterest), my mommy struggles and successes and anything else that tickles my fancy. All in all, hoping to make you laugh or cry (yeah, right) or at the very least, help you waste some time. How many hours can you really spend on facebook or pinterest anyway?

That felt good. 

PS grammar and punctuation will nearly always be incorrect or missing. Feel free to scold me.