Thursday, August 15, 2013

Things you care about. Duh.

No recipes to share today. Sorry. Yesterday was a "eat whatever you can find day".

We are making steak quesadillas tonight with all of the leftover steak from two nights ago though. I'm also going to make that pineapple salsa again because I have grilled pineapple in the fridge.

I'm getting wicked good at "recycling" food. It feels really good to not be wasteful. If only we could decrease our actual trash too. I'm working on it.

Soooooo I wanted to tell you, the ole blog has officially had over 11,000 hits!!!! That's pretty stinkin awesome if I do say so myself!!

I'm going to guess there's about a handful of people that actually read this thing a couple days a week and they're probably family so it doesn't reeeeally count. But either way, thanks to all of you for entertaining my shenanigans.

I've honestly thought about scrapping this thing a few times, and still do every once in a while. It's not like I make money or sell anything on here.

Blogging is pretty narcissistic but also makes you feel wicked insecure at the same time. It's kind of weird. You write with the idea that you have something of value to share, be it recipes or funny stories, or cool blogs you found, crafts and other nonsense. Totally assuming that other people will find interest in things that you find interesting. Sometimes things happen and I think "I MUST share that on the blog" for no other reason than I got a big belly laugh out of it and I bet you would too.

And then the other side of you is all, "nobody cares what I have to say. None of it is interesting. I'm not even good at writing. I'm probably just wasting my time".

It's all bi-polar and stuff. It's kind of icky.

But then there are people that tell me they love reading it or I get harassed by family when I slack off and don't post for a few days and I jump back on the horse and spend 30 minutes or so rambling about nothing.

Sort of like what I'm doing now...but it feels good! It feels good to share and sort of be creative I guess.

So long story short, we hit a milestone and I guess I'll just keep this thing going until people stop reading, tell me to shut up or I get tired of sharing pointless stories. That's some plan, eh?

Big hugs and lots of love to all of you. If I could bake you something to say "thanks" I totally would.

Y'all rock my little redneck hippie world!


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