Thursday, August 8, 2013

Whiners, Criers and Spiders, oh my!

Holy Moly.

You know that thing people say about don't go to bed angry because blah blah blah? I don't even know the rest.

Well, it should be don't go to bed pissed off, wake up 8,000 times because your toddler is teething, find an ENORMOUS black spider crawling up your leg (that's not an exaggeration), freak the EFF out like a crazy ninja throwing blankets and slapping your leg like a lunatic and then wake up at 5am for the day with Mr. Whiney Pants Teething Boy.

I mean that in the nicest way possible and I'm not an insensitive jerk. I feel bad for The King and am doing everything I can to help him out but man, it sucks not sleeping a wink and being bitchy about shit at the same time.

What the hell?

I'm still looking for that bastard of a spider too. It was like a scary freakin movie. All fast and black and furry, crawling up my leg by light of cellphone.

Sweet mother of pearl. I. HATE. SPIDERS.

In other news, I don't know where the day has gone but I'm definitely feeling better. I'm tired as all hell but Grace made me go for a run this morning and I think it helped my ugly attitude. Literally, made me go. She followed me around all morning, wagging her tail and bumping into me. When I finally asked her if she'd like to go for a run she spazzed out, ran to the back door and gave me this face.

So we ran.

It did absolutely nothing for my wicked sore legs and back but I got it in and that's what's important, right?

That's what she said...

Only 33 miles to go for August!

You think she looks tired? You should have seen my mug. We ran the hills today. Go big or go home.

Also, The King spent half the morning vacuuming the floors with one of those plastic little popper things. Then he remembered where we keep the real vacuum and demanded, via more crying and whining, that I take it out and let him vacuum for reals.

Umm, ok. Don't miss any spots buddy.

Also, I want a bagel in the worst way and I apologize for the excessive use of swears.


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