Friday, July 12, 2013


Remember that video I shared a while back, "passin along a pep talk"?

Well the Kid President has a whole slew of videos on youtube and I just happened to stumble across one addressed to moms yesterday. It was definitely made for Mother's Day but seeing as we're mom's every day, 24/7, I thought we could all use the pick me up.

Be warned, I watched it twice and found myself almost a blubbering mess at my desk. Seriously. Then I sent it to my BFF and she said the same thing, she nearly lost it too.

I can't pinpoint what exactly hit home with me. I think it's just that I find myself saying "being a mom is hard" a lot lately and it was a nice little reminder that all of the struggle, stress, and just plain frustration, isn't for nothing. That the poop, boogers, fits, flying food, messes and up all night sessions mean a whole lot to that little person. Even though they can't always tell us.

So cheers to being a mom and having the hardest job on the planet. If you're not a mom, tell your mom you love her and appreciate those days back when she wiped your ass and all the other awesome stuff she does for you now.

UPDATE: Fixed the video but just in case Youtube - Kid President An Open Letter to Moms

 Have a wicked awesome weekend peeps.


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