Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

Happiest New Year everyone! I know I've been gone for a while but like most of you, it's been vacation week and I've been soaking it up.

Time to get back at it though. I can only imagine how much you've missed me.

We had a really great time ringing in the new year last night. We got all fancied up and danced all night to a live band. We're feeling a little beat up today because we're usually in bed by 9 but it was definitely worth it. I probably won't drink for the rest of the year though.

It's safe to say that 2013 has some really big shoes to fill. Papa Bear and I were chatting the other day and we both agreed, 2012 was really good to us. I'm almost sad it ended. We were blessed with The King for starters but lots of other really great things fell into place. Of course, we had our struggles like everyone else but such is life. I wouldn't change a thing. I need to sit down and write myself a letter so I don't forget.

I know resolutions are stupid because no one ever keeps them but I really wanted to have some good ones for this year. There's always room for improvement, right?

So In the year 2013, I promise to try my very hardest to do the following:

1. I need to not be so hard on people. I tend to have unrealistically high expectations for pretty much everyone I cross paths with. If you catch me riding your ass this year, please remind me of numero uno on my list. I apologize in advance because this one is going to be realllyyyyyy hard for me.

2. I need to remember to be happy with what I have and stop focusing on what I don't, or what I think I don't have. The perfectionist in me always wants more, to do better, to be, well, perfect which is utterly ridiculous. I blame Disney movies.

3. If you took ten minutes to read my previous post, you'll know why I'm making a resolution to unglue myself from my damned phone.

I know you were dying to know those so you're welcome. What are your resolutions for 2013? Please don't say lose weight. That's always on everyone's list and we should always focus on being healthy so think of something else.

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