Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Conversations with a King

Today started off with feet in my ribs (no, I'm not pregnant), whining, two chewed sneakers on separate pairs of shoes, a chewed coat and a bad attitude.

Fortunately, I have a little dude that keeps things in perspective.

And then I drop him off at daycare and I hate the world again.


Conversations with Kingy look a little like this lately. I love this kid.

K: "Bye Mommy!!!"
as he walks toward the mudroom to leave.
M: "Wait, where are you going? Aren't you supposed to give me a kiss goodbye?"
and he comes sprinting back to plant a wet one on me
K: "Tardet!"
M: "Oh yea, what are you going to buy at target?"
K: "PIE!!!"

Oh. ok.

M: "No way! You shot a buck?"
K: "Yeah! He big. Down"
translation - I shot him down...


K: "Shit"

M: "Ry where are your shoes?"
K: "Ova naw"
translation - over there

Before bed chat
M: "Did you have a good day today buddy?"
K: "No"
M: "Why? Are you sad?"
K: "Yeah. Carter. Carter mean"
translation - we're still upset that Carter bit me a month ago...

On the ride to daycare today
M: "Ry where are all the cows? Why aren't they out yet? Too much snow?"
K: "Bawn" (barn)
M: "Why are they in the barn? Is it too cold?"
K: "Yeah!"
M: "Do you want a cow and a pig? Should we tell daddy?"
K: "Yeah!!! Come. Barn. Come moos. PIGGY!!"
M: laughter
Kingy now has his arms stretched out and is kissing the air
M: "Are you kissing the cows?"
K: "YEAH! Dance moos. DANCE!"

How can I be mad when I have conversations like that?

Happy hump day peeps

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