Monday, December 30, 2013

Wait, what just happened?

Holy moly has the past week been a whirlwind or what?!

I tried to make a conscious effort to disconnect a bit and enjoy my time off, hence, the lack of posting. There were so many times I thought "I should log on tonight and share that" and then, I just didn't.

Honestly, I was either having too much fun or was just plain too lazy to do it.

But, isn't that what vacation is for?

We had a wickedly awesome Christmas and I hope all of you did as well! The King was so so much fun and was totally stoked for "Ho Ho" to come. I think we have some awesome new traditions in place for the coming years and I seriously can not wait! Every year is going to be funner and funner. Yes, funner. With that being said, I did try to savor every single second we spent together as a family. I know these magical years are numbered.

Ah, bittersweet.

In true Grinch fashion, we took down our tree down the day after Christmas. Bam! Ho Ho had to go-go y'all. Up until two nights ago Kingy was still waking up in the middle of the night singing "ho ho ho" and was still asking to talk to him on the phone. Can you imagine if we still had decorations out? We simply had to.

As for gifts, I was spoiled rotten. I'm talking rotten. I'm not so sure what I did to deserve all of the awesome gifts but I sure am glad someone thinks I earned them. Here's looking at you parental units and PB. I've been baking my little mama heart out ever since and I can't wait to start sewing!

In other news, two days ago Kingy and I took a road trip to Mass to visit friends and it was a super short trip but just what we needed. And now, my sister is in town spoiling The King rotten with attention. We're just waiting on the other sister and all will be right with the world!

I have one happy heart.

I do not, however, have happy thighs. Can you say cookies, pie, bread and cheese?

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