Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Now listening: Dierks

I know I said I was waiting until June 1 to post again but I had to share this tune. I love Dierks. I think this album will be released some time this fall and I. Can't. Wait.

Enjoy friends!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Hey friends

I've been gone. I'm sorry.

I feel like most of my posts lately start with an apology, which isn't fair.

So, I've decided to take a break until June 1st. 

It's only 10 days.

And if you subscribe to the blog, you'll get an email the second I'm back.

And that's not a plug to get subscribers bc I don't make a nickel on this thing.

The past few weeks have been really, really hard for me. A lot of ups and downs.

Mostly downs it feels like.

I want to share it with you but I really feel like I need some time to digest it all. 

And yes, I know it can always be worse but right now it doesn't feel that way for me. 

So I'm going to pout a bit, cry a bunch, and figure out how to spin it into some good. 

Then I'll share. 

So don't give up on me.



Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Now listening: Billy Currington

Music is just about the only thing getting me through this week so far.

Here ya go friends

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Never too late

I saw this on my way to dinner in the Lower East Side last week.

(If you're ever over there, drop by Poco for dinner. It's delish and cheap)

Stuck with me.

Justa creepin


It's been a while. I'm sorry. Still traveling but almost done. This is my last week and it's for a wedding, not work. Thank you sweet baby Jesus.

In other news, I turned 27 today.

Which means I'm creeping closer to 30.

Just in case you aren't good with math.

To be honest, I don't even really mind. I'm not reeeeally that old. Plus I cuddled in bed with The King this morning. Last year he was in my belly so this was an upgrade for sure. I had a strawberry donut for breakfast. I'm wearing my favorite work dress and I bought the new Pistol Annie's album this morning. I LOVE it. I am only a few songs in but as soon as I listen to it 15 more times I'll let you know my thoughts. I still think you should buy it right this minute though.

That was a wicked long paragraph, full of run-on sentences.

Don't care about that either because it's my birthday today and I make the rules. That's the rule.

Here's a silly picture of me and my donut. It was so delicious I needed a picture.

I am also ok with 27 because I'm considering any age ending in 7 to be my Golden Year. You've heard of those right? If the age you turn is the same as your birth day, it's your Golden Year. And since mine would have been when I was 7, which was a good year don't get me wrong, I'm going to change the rules so I have a bunch more. Brilliant, right?

Here's a bunch of random pictures from the past few weeks. I'm effing tired and can't wait for things to slooooooow down. I need to get planting!